
Showing posts from December, 2023

Living with Languages in a Multilingual World

        written by 20114 Oh Seo Ah       Do you speak, write or read in more than  one language? If so, have you taken  advantage of your knowledge of speaking multiple languages?  Language serves an essential function in human  communication, conveying emotions,  opinions and memories. It lets people interact with each other.  Speaking multiple languages is a common phenomenon these days, however, a lot of us still question the necessity of acquiring various languages in our lives.  What Is Multilingualism? Today, there are over 7,000 languages spoken across the world. Along with English, the  United Nations has Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic as their official languages. In today’s globalized world, linguistic diversity can be a problem that makes communication difficult in many areas.  However, multilingualism, the ability to be fluent in multiple languages, is proving to be a cultural asset that benefits people to be connected.  According to ilanguages, mor

Damage from Earthquake in Turkey

written by 20214 Lee Si Ah Unfortunately, there are a number of disasters that occur in the world which threaten many people. They influence people’s lives greatly. Large floods, typhoons and earthquakes destroy houses, property, lives and a lot of things. An earthquake strongly affected people’s lives in Turkey on February 6 th .  It had a magnitude of  7.8, which means it was a massive earthquake. It occurred at midnight when people were sleeping inside, so it was too difficult to notice it and prevent the disaster in advance. The earthquake led to about 4,000 deaths and injured lots of people.   Aftershocks also continued, with the first earthquake hitting the vicinity of Gaziantep and another earthquake happening right after with almost the same magnitude.  The damage from the earthquakes was extreme. Lots of buildings collapsed. Too many people in Turkey lost their houses, shelter and companies. According to Karman Solana, a professor at Portsmouth University, there are constructi