Last Words from 1st Grade
10105 Kim So Yeon S ince it was my first time writing an article in English, it was quite challenging. However, I did my best as a member of The PRESS , so I could have a worthy experience. I appreciate The PRESS for all of it. 10108 Kim Ye Na I’m really happy that my article will be read by Sawlians. I hope it will be meaningful for our readers. 10116 Woo Se Yeon Although it was not always easy, I think it was a meaningful time writing and publishing this magazine. Thanks to all the teachers and members of The PRESS , I was able to learn many things and improve my English. 10206 Kim Eun Hwan From this experience, I learned how hard writing articles is. But also, it was very interesting to participate in The PRESS . 10207 Kim Cho Eun By writing articles on my own, I learned how to share my topic and related information with readers through many concerns, feedback sessions and support from seniors and teachers. It was tough, but I feel very proud of myself at the end since it was suc...