English Majors, Don’t Be Afraid of Going to France - written by 20213 Lee Sumin

English Majors, Don’t Be Afraid of Going to France

written by 20213 Lee Sumin
2018 May 4th, the controversial trip to France as English major has finally begun. Last year, four English major students have chosen France for their international exchange program. From taking group pictures to eating lunch independently, we English majors had a lot of things to care about. We were worrying that we were going to be internationally lost and not be able to come back. Despite of all the rumors and worries, the flight taking us to France left Korea.

Because the English majors were four, not as small as the English majors going to Russia, we were not as lonely as we expected. We ate lunch together, took pictures together, and did everything we could enjoy in France together. The schedule for the first day in France was to visit the Eiffel Tower and Montmartre. We stayed mostly in Paris having a great time, seeing the beautiful sight from the top of the Eiffel Tower and feeling the unique mood of Paris.

Paris has its specialty not only in artful architectures but also relaxation and ease of people. People are chilling, laying down on green grass dressed lightly, warming all of their body exposed to sunshine. Every street has viral grass, and every quarter has a greenish park full of resting people.

One noticeable thing of the trip was that as time went by, we were used to getting together with the French majors, and so did they. When we had difficulty in ordering food in a French restaurant, they helped us with making the right order. We also had a chance to have a lunch together and get to know each other better. To cite their words during the moment, they didn’t mind that much about us going to France with them. They wanted to respect our choices, although controversial issues like whether they should take collective pictures with us still existed. 

According to them, teachers have also reminded them to put effort to care English majors. What French major students told us made us relieved, and we could then enjoy our experience with feelings full of happiness. The next several days, we could also have valuable experience such as contacting with French students and visiting more of the splendid sights.

So, English majors, don’t be afraid of going minor language countries for your international exchange experience. There are so many things to look around to give them up due to your fear of loneliness. Moreover, it could possibly be another chance to get close to other majors. If you are hesitating, go for it!
