Thanks to Challenge: Medical Staff

written by 20407 Bang Chaeyoung


Many people suffer from the pandemic. Many things have stopped, and many things became impossible. However, there are still people who do many things. 

Medical staff is continuously working around the clock to provide treatment to those who need it. During this adversity, many doctors and nurses put their lives at risk by working in dangerous situations to prevent the disease from spreading in different countries and regions. They are trying to find treatments, reduce symptoms or stay with people until their final breaths. 

“Thanks to Challenge” is a national participatory challenge created to thank and support the medical staff’s hard work and dedication. Currently, South Korea is well-prepared for quarantine amid the global corona pandemic. 

A medical kit can quickly diagnose locally produced corona symptoms. This diagnostic kit has had a calming effect on the dangerous situation. Thanks to the medical staff who did this, the virus is on the decline in South Korea. This hard work is well known and supported by many people. 

Participating in the Thanks to Challenge is simple. You can join this challenge easily. First, attach hashtags with the phrases “Thanks to Challenge”, “Thanks to Campaign”, “Thanks to Medical Staff” and so on. Next, express the representative sign language with gratitude and respect in photos or videos. Lastly, point out who will do the challenge next. 

Many celebrities, influencers and even the Korean president have participated in the challenge. Many people are cheering for the medical staff. 

Why don’t we participate in this challenge? Show support to medical teams that are fighting the coronavirus all over the nation?
