Recovering: The Process of Taking One Step Forward written by 20424 Choi Sohi


“Mom, why do I have a fever? I feel so awful.”

Do you have a memory of asking this kind of question when you were sick? I always hated catching a fever that made me suffer through excruciating pain and deep despair.

Can you imagine how my mom answered?

“It’s just a process of recovering” she usually said.

This can sound ridiculous, awful pain making me recover, but it’s true. Scientifically, a fever is what helps white blood cells fight pathogens.

Turning your eyes to life, you will notice it goes same with this principle. A lot of things in life don’t go as well as people think.

Remember the first time you heard that you had got into SAWL. All of you must have been very happy dreaming of a wonderful school life, but eventually you would have realized that reality is different: surrounded by unknown people for an entire week, competing with friends who look superior in every aspect, same grades that seem to betray the effort. I felt the same way.

However, comparing that moment with the present life in SAWL, you will definitely feel that it has improved a lot in some parts. Your grades could have remained the same or gotten even lower, but you would have learned how to enjoy the school life or found your own destination.

Even if you are not included in any of these cases, it doesn’t mean that you are a loser already. You must be in the process of “Recovering”. As you get well after going through the pain, it is natural to feel stress while confronting new strenuous odds. It means we are struggling to find our right way.

The world runs no differently from our current lives. A lot of things have been improved but unwelcoming issues are reported every day like famine, trade wars, disease, etc. It will be no use to consider this tragic.

Rather, we should think this as a recovering process to open a better page. There is nothing like eternal suffering. One day recovering will end that suffering and even that seems to go on continuously.

Try to remember this and take courage to overcome the odds.

THE PRESS will help you learn how to face the world by being your eyes and ears.
