New Type of Communicating

written by 10803 Kim Eun Jae

COVID-19 brought the world to a pause. Companies have been encouraging their employees to work from home during the initial outbreak. Schools were delayed at first, but it was forced to make a promise of educating their students somehow without a complete plan. After so many delays, in April, all the students in Korea could meet each other online. All the classes consisted of either non-face-to-face classes and video chats. The video chats can see each other’s faces and hear each other’s voices through Zoom.  

Zoom was used in various places, as well as schools and companies. Even in broadcasting programs where the audience was supposed to be, Zoom replaced them. 

A variety show called Comedy Big League not only showed gags to the audience through Zoom but also communicated with them to complete the stage. As the host was in the corner, he talked with the audience, referring to the screen written in numbers. 

Since social distancing is being a part of at least one-meter was mandatory, most live performances were not available in the early part of 2020. However, people found a way to enjoy performances online through online streaming services such as YouTube. Although it has become difficult for singers and audiences to share their energy, various people have become freer to participate. Also, by being able to leave their messages, people could provide an opportunity to help each other. 

As for Zoom again, in the case of Suwon Foreign Language High School, students can meet native teachers as Zoom. Listening to the teacher’s pronunciation and class contents, students can make the class’s quality as good as the class face-to-face. Also, Zoom became the medium for students and teachers through which they could communicate simultaneously, and through face-to-face contact, they were able to build intimacy. 

Since going to school, students have been altering between one week in school and one week online. As a result, there can be a problematic situation when students have questions about other contents of the class or have questions during the exam period. Accordingly, teachers create Zoom classes so that they can answer what their students asked. It has the advantage of being able to ask more questions while communicating in real-time as well as comments.

COVID-19 has put limits on activities for education and entertainment, such as enjoying performances. But by finding new methods and media, people were able to find breakthroughs and quickly adapted to new ways. 

Although it may still be a little strange and out of place, people are trying to create and participate in better services because it helps minimize and prevent damage among people. Even though the cultural, broadcasting and performing industries are experiencing difficulties with the pandemic, they are trying to get people’s participation through various methods such as Zoom and YouTube. 

It may be hard to hear the enthusiastic cheers like before, people’s passion, laughter, and happiness are seen through comments and videos cheering everyone on.
