Unexpected Reaction to Historical Drama Distortions


written by 10616 Lee Na Yoon

Recently Kumasa of Joseon has been controversial. The drama Joseon Kumasa aired from March 22, 2021 to March 23, 2021, was canceled after two episodes due to its historical distortion.

Evil spirits trying to conquer Joseon by using human desire, so people who protect their subjects against their invasion. It is an exorcism, fantasy action of Korea.

Why is this drama a controversy?

Kumasa of Joseon has distortion of history

There are scenes that are controversial. One of them is the Chinese traditional house which has Chinese mooncakes, pidan on the table. Another is when the Chungnyeong prince become Sejong the Great. The prince is giving drinks to a Vatican priest who is standing up.

This problem is that Joseon’s gisaeng house is not suppose to be Chinese. We do not eat Chinese mooncakes. Instead we eat brass chafing dish, braised jumbo shrimps, and gujeolpan. Since Chungyeong is the prince, the priest must go bow down on his knees.

These problems are distortions of history, so a lot of people are angry.

However, some people are asking for the airing of the Joseon Kumasa.

Because other people watch a scene. they said “ this scene is a distortion of history.” They put the blame on producers.

On an American petition site, foreigners said that others in China and Japan think differently about the Joseon Dynasty.

Therefore, it puts pressure on some of us. Because we don't understand why the canceling due to dissatisfaction and sponsorship.

Should the people and the government in this regard abolish the subject of historical distortions? Should they be at least given a chance to fix it? How do we deal with this?
