Marketing Trends And Predictions 0f 2023


                                                                                                     20117 Narim Lee

For the year 2023, you might want to adopt different marketing strategies to boost your business effectively. Marketing is important because, not only does it introduce your brand to potential customers, but it imprints the brand’s image on consumers. And it connects the customers with companies that provide the products and services that the customers need.

Marketing trends change every year to catch up with the ever-changing world. So, what does 2023 hold for marketing?

1. Marketing via Social Media

Social media apps like TikTok and Instagram are becoming more and more popular. Social media has a tremendous impact on our daily lives. It also influences our decisions when it comes to purchasing products. Users pay a lot of attention to the daily lives of influencers with millions of followers. Products that these influencers use become instantly popular. So, the amount of power influencers hold in marketing is insurmountable. Therefore, it is easy to predict that, just like last year, marketing via social media and influencers will be popular. 

Furthermore, convenience and usability make social media suitable for marketing. Platforms like TikTok also have a large audience reach and focus on usability for businesses and improving targeting options for advertising. According to Digital Marketing Institute, Allison Battisby stated in an interview that TikTok is going to show us the simplicity of business tools. She also mentioned that TikTok has been making marketing waves by enhancing its usability for businesses on its app.

2. Marketing using AI

The sector of AI is evolving day to day. AI makes our world more convenient and favorable to humans. It has become clear that AI can be used in a variety of fields including marketing. In 2023, AI bots will develop marketing even more by data collection and analysis. By Using  AI, businesses can collect and analyze data faster, easier and more accurately. This can help the business find by what means the customers have come to know their corporation or what kind of advertisement the customers viewed. And by opting for the more effective way of exposure and advertisement, the company can induce more customers without any unnecessary expense. 
