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Last Words: The PRESS 2024 First-grade

  10115 Oh Cherry I had a great time writing English news. There were some difficult times, especially with gathering information. However, I think my writing skills and English both improved. 10202 Kim Nayeon Writing an article and editing designs for the Express was very new for me. Therefore I had many difficulties, but I improved a lot by overcoming and finding ways to solve them. 10206 Kim Eunsung It was my pleasure to work as a member of The PRESS . I was able to have an opportunity to practice writing in English. Also I liked that I could work with my friends and seniors. I felt so proud of myself and became confident in writing. 10210 Park Jiwoo I’ve always loved writing whether it’s a story or an article, so having to write for real in The PRESS was one of the best experiences I’ve had in this year. I learned to love writing even more, thanks to the teachers and my department members. 10219 Lee Hyunseo I had a valuable time with The PRESS for one year. Although it was d...

Last Words: The PRESS 2024 Second-grade

20104 Kim Soyeon Thanks to The PRESS , I had a great opportunity to learn many things and gain various experiences. 20106 Kim Choeun Once again, it was such a good opportunity to learn and write about many international issues. Thanks to The PRESS . 20112 Woo Seyeon It was my second time writing and publishing EXPRESS magazine. Thanks to all the members and teachers, I was able to have such a meaningful time in The PRESS . 20125 Choi Seoyeon The essential one in our life is responsibility. 20204 Kim Eunhwan It was very nice to work together with such great members. Thanks to their cooperation, we were able to do great club activities. 20306 Kim Yena It is a valuable experience for me to be a member of The PRESS . Thanks to all members and teachers. 20309 Kim Hayun It was a pleasure to discover the subject that I want to learn more and make it into an article. It’s been two years working in The PRESS . It was a very valuable and meaningful time. 20326 Hwang Yerin Thanks to The PRESS ...