Russia’s Victory Day

                                                                                      written by 20107 Kim Ji An

What Is Victory Day? 

Victory Day (called День Победы in Russian) is a holiday that is held to commemorate the surrender of Germany in 1945.

During World War 2 (WW2), Nazi Germany invaded the Soviets with millions of soldiers and interceptor aircrafts. Thus, Soviet aircrafts were destroyed. Around a million Soviet soldiers died or got caught. When Adolph Hitler failed to invade Leningrad, he blocked it, so that the Russians would die when they ran out of food. 

However, Russians survived by eating things such as mice or feedstuff. Since Nazi Germany attacked Leningrad a few times, a third of the Leningrad population died. 

Later on, the Soviets reclaimed Leningrad through a very intense fight. This event is considered meaningful. There was a parade to commemorate the Russian victory. 

Why Is It Meaningful in Russia? 

In Europe or America, Victory Day is not as important as it is in Russia. Russia holds parades every year, even using more than 16 billion won in 2015. 

In 2015, it was the 70th anniversary of the victory, so more money was spent than usual.

Russian non-governmental research organization Levada Center said that 96% of Russians like Victory Day parades, because it seems like a good tradition. 

Therefore parades are held every year so that all citizens can enjoy the parade together.

Russians like Victory Day because they are proud of winning against other countries in WW2.

Victory from WW2 is very meaningful to Russians since it is the outcome of fighting for the Soviet soldiers. There were a vast amount of sacrifices. 

This day is meaningful to all Russian citizens due to Leningrad citizens going through poverty, woman soldiers who were there to cure the others, citizens who were protesting against Nazi Germany. This is why all Russians are proud of their own country.

In Russia, Victory Day is considered a festival where all Russians can be together. During the festival, military parades, fireworks, and sky military shows using helicopters and fighter aircraft take place. Many Russian citizens, including history scholars, said that Victory Day helps Russians achieve national unity. 

Russian historian Dmitry Andreev mentioned that people get united with a memory of victory while parades and fireworks are going on. Besides, most Russians have a family member or relatives who participated in the war, so many people consider this event significant. It is closely related to their lives. Thus, many Russians came together on Victory Day. For this reason the Russian government is trying to use this day as a day of harmony among its citizens.

Interesting Fact

If it rains on a parade day, it would be hard to enjoy the parade.

However, even if it rains on May 8th, the weather is bright and sunny on Victory Day. This is because Russia manipulates the weather. In 2015, the Russian government used 9 billion won to remove clouds from the air. A mixture of dry ice, liquid nitrogen, and cement was used to remove water from the clouds. So the clouds go over Moscow without having any liquid inside. Since Russians view this day as incredibly significant, it should never rain on Victory Day. 

In conclusion, Victory day is a historical event that can unite all Russians.

I knew that Russia considers Victory day one of the most important holidays of Russia,

but I didn’t know the reason why all Russians consider this day the day they are most proud of.

However, through researching this event, I learned about how Russians participated in this war, and how they survived during the sorrowful times of the war.
