Save the Earth

                                                                                      written by 20324 Jung Minji

Recent Environmental Issues

As time passes, the environment of the earth is getting worse and worse. Having wildfires in the Amazon Rainforests is one of the

most serious problems that we can see directly. 

The Amazon is known as the lungs of the earth. Through the Amazon, more than one-fifth of earth’s oxygen is generated

and carbon dioxide, the cause of global warming, is removed. The Amazon is home to one-third of earth’s species.

So, it’s not a simple problem when a fire breaks out in the Amazon. 

According to the National Institute for Space Research, “more than one and half soccer fields of the Amazon Rainforest were being

destroyed every minute of every day.” 

If the lungs of humans are destroyed, it must be a significant risk to health. Likewise, the destruction of the Amazon will have

an evil influence on global warming in some way or other soon. 

“ We can’t stop it. But we can delay. ”

What We Can Do 

Global warming is a problem for all the people living on the earth. And sometimes people think that it is inevitable and the effort

to save the earth is meaningless. Since the efforts of individuals seem

insignificant compared to great nature.

But the truth is, even with a little effort, it is certainly possible to delay global warming.

“Every little helps.”, as the saying goes. Especially conserving water could be the easiest way for students to save the earth.

In the case of Sawlians, they can put in a little effort while being in the dormitory. Students can reduce their carbon dioxide (CO2)

footprint and conserve water by using a cup when brushing their teeth. If the water keeps running while brushing teeth,

all that water will be wasted and the CO2 footprint will be larger. Using a cup can be a solution for that wasteful water. 

Also, students can save water by carrying a personal tumbler. Although almost all students are bringing their tumblers now

because of COVID-19, when this situation is relieved, it may not be necessary. So it is important to notify the merits of using

a personal tumbler. Using a tumbler, students can drink water conveniently and save water.

Even if people waste water little by little, it is a great danger to the environment when they come together. Inversely, little effort conducted

by people can lead to a good influence on the environment. In the urgent situation where global warming is getting worse,

people must take action to prevent disasters. 
