Green Taxonomy, is it good for us?

        written by 10108 Kim Yena

Nowadays, most of us know that there are so many environmental problems.

But why?

Because it is getting deeper and deeper.

In 2022, Denver, Colorado in America, snowing in the middle of summer. In Korea, there is a drought in Gangwon. So many countries are not responding to such sudden changes in the earth. Thus we are trying to find a way that solve these problems.  

“Green Taxonomy”

Green taxonomy in economic terms, was made by E.U in 2020. Suppose companies which not use eco-friendly energy will be imposed duties during exporting. Even some countries give them an import ban. Nowadays,  Green Taxonomy is becoming a standard to sort businesses that contribute to Climate change or carbon emission, etc, because we can distinguish eco-friendly companies by it.  


"The issue"

There is a point to be considered. 

In the Green taxonomy, nuclear energy is included with many strict rules. If we want to use nuclear energy, we should have a high-level waste disposal plant, make a plan about waste, and use accident-resistant nuclear fuel. Moreover, Even if you follow all the rules and use nuclear power, we can use facilities that were built before 2045. However, only two countries have a high-level waste disposal plant, Sweden and Finland. In particular, Korea doesn't have enough nuclear energy waste sites.  we have only medium and low-level disposal facilities. Moreover, accident-resistant nuclear fuel still needs to be developed, and if it is developed, we can't use it at an existing nuclear power plant, so it means we can't meet Greentaxonomy's standards. And some countries say nuclear power should be banned. because it makes a lot of waste and is dangerous. So there are so many difficulties to make the final decision. 

The point which we should look at is its unfair side. For developing countries, chemical energy using nuclear power is absolute, so the Green taxonomy becomes a big wall. Likewise, Korea depends on nuclear energy, and our geographical requirements don't fit with reusable energy. Green taxonomy continues to the wall of trade. Despite this situation, a nuclear power plant is just a political controversy in Korea. 

So we need to talk about our future direction earnestly. It leads us to a way to solve this situation.
