SNS Addiction

written by 10206 Kim Eunhwan

무료 남자 블랙 안 드 로이드 스마트 폰 들고 빨간 스웨이드 소파에 앉아 스톡 사진

The COVID-19 pandemic made people spend a lot of time on the internet. Because of that, the risk of SNS addiction increased. SNS addiction causes a lot of problems. 

Individually, the health of people gets worse. It causes many diseases, such as back pains. 

Generally, society loses communication. This communication means offline, not online. Many people become determined in social media, and they become neglectful of their real life. It causes a decrease in communication. 

According to the National Library of Medicine, stress related to COVID-19 may escalate internet addiction. 

They did a study to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on internet use to college students. The result showed the use of SNS increased, but the enjoyment of that decreased because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The increased usage of SNS causes mental problems. Middle Georgia State University states using social media hijacks people’s dopaminergic pathways more quickly than positive things. They also said the almost instant dopamine rush becomes addictive and can result in depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses. 

You might be addicted to social media already. Because of that, you might be neglectful in real life. Also, you might miss important chances in life because of your carelessness. 

It also has health problems. For example, if you see your phone in poor posture, it causes a turtleneck. In addition, blue light from the phone may worsen your eyesight and sleep. 

Electromagnetic waves are another problem too. If exposed to this for a long time, it may cause many diseases, such as cancers. 

Ways to prevent social media addiction

The best way to prevent addiction is to live life to its fullest. Focus on your jobs or study, or exercise hard during your free time. If you live hard and busy, you won’t have time to care about SNS. 

In contrast, if you care about SNS more than real life, you can’t focus on what you’re doing. But if you are already addicted to SNS, you can use an application to prevent you from spending too much time on SNS. Or if you’re good at controlling yourself, you can set a time for using your phone. 

At first, you may be afraid of not spending as much time with your online friends, but as time goes on, you’ll be okay soon. The further you are online, the closer you get to your real world.
