What made Afghanistan’s women angry


                                      written by 10714 Dawon Yoon, 10208 Hayun Kim           

The Taliban in power

The Taliban, an armed group of Islam governed Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001. In the first period, they oppressed human rights, especially women’s. In 2021, after the US army withdrew, they became Afghanistan’s government again. They promised to respect women's rights but they didn’t keep the promise. 

Oppression about women

First of all, the Taliban oppresses the right to education. The Taliban prohibited girls from going to middle school and high school. In 2021, The Taliban limited the major that women can major in university. Women cannot major in economics, engineering, and journalism. In 2022, Taliban finally prohibited all women’s education in university. 

In Afghanistan, It is restrained that women are working at any place except facilities such as schools and hospitals. Also, there are limited activities and tasks at home and abroad for non-governmental organizations called ‘NGOs’ and the UN. Afghanistan is especially hard on the UN compared to other facilities. Afghanistan limited three hundred women who are long to the UN and 27 million men who are long to the UN. So the UN located in Afghanistan took a big hit.

In everyday life, there are severe violations of Afghanistan’s women's rights. Women basically can go outside with only male family accompanying them. They are banned from going to the amusement park and bathhouses without men. Even though they go outside with male, they must wear a burka that covers their whole body including their head. Afghanistan is the most dangerous country in the world for childbirth. But Afghanistan’s women are restricted to contraception. Afghanistan limits the selling of birth control pills very seriously and It is banned not only the pill but also the injection. 


Outside opinions

 The reactions of the world are negative. Antony Blinken, national security secretary of the US, said “None of the countries which oppresses half of the people can thrive.” The UN would withdraw from Afghanistan because the Taliban prohibits women from working. Western countries claim that the Taliban must allow women education if they want to be respected by international society. However, the Taliban ignores them consistently. 
