Korean Teens’ Trends Nowadays


written by 10718 Lee Eun Soo


Teens nowadays like to eat heady taste food like spicy Tteokboki, fried chicken has high calories. ‘Mara’ is a spicy flavored spice originally used in China. Maratang, Marashangguo and Mara hotpot are famous foods that many Chinese enjoy.

After these mara foods became popular in Korea, Koreans combined mara with many Korean foods. Now there is mara with fried chicken, Tteokboki, noodles and so on. We can often see teenagers eating these foods. 

Teenagers find desserts that are unique and special. One dessert that was hot on Instagram was burned ice cream covered with marshmallows. Ice cream covered with marshmallows is given, and it is burned right in front of you with a cute dinosaur-shaped torch. 

And there is salt bread. Salt bread is especially cheaper than other desserts, and it is easily found, so teenagers can easily afford it. Mochi is also on a trend. There are mochi-covered ice cream, and fruits.


There is a formula for teenagers’ play; Eat-Play-Take ‘Life four cuts’. If teens go outside to play, they must have to take ‘life four cuts’. Life four cuts can be taken in a self-photo studio. It is very cheap and good for making memories, so many teens take this life four cuts. Nowadays there are many different types of Life Four cuts like a transparent film so teens can take a picture in the sky, or there is a celebrity Life Four Cuts film so that it seems like it is taken with that real celebrity. 

Many teens nowadays go to amusement parks. They also go there to play, but mostly to take pictures. The point here for the picture is the school uniform. The hot spot for the picture is the merry-go-round. At night, in the dark with the bright lights of the merry-go-round, its scenery is beautiful. So many teens go there to take pictures.
