10115 Oh Cherry I had a great time writing English news. There were some difficult times, especially with gathering information. However, I think my writing skills and English both improved. 10202 Kim Nayeon Writing an article and editing designs for the Express was very new for me. Therefore I had many difficulties, but I improved a lot by overcoming and finding ways to solve them. 10206 Kim Eunsung It was my pleasure to work as a member of The PRESS . I was able to have an opportunity to practice writing in English. Also I liked that I could work with my friends and seniors. I felt so proud of myself and became confident in writing. 10210 Park Jiwoo I’ve always loved writing whether it’s a story or an article, so having to write for real in The PRESS was one of the best experiences I’ve had in this year. I learned to love writing even more, thanks to the teachers and my department members. 10219 Lee Hyunseo I had a valuable time with The PRESS for one year. Although it was d...