To Procrastinate Is Lazy?

No, It’s Creative.

written by 10526 Joo Minseo

Procrastination is the dragging and delaying of work. If we ask, “What are you doing now?”  to people who don’t work, don’t study, or do other things. 

They say, “I’m procrastinating.” 

It means they’re putting off doing what they have to do. 

Companies with a large number of employees who postpone what they have to do are less productive. Many business management books emphasize the importance of finishing a given task at a set time, such as the title Inventing the Enemy Proclamation of Working Life and Procrastinated Employee Management Act

But the latest business trends are starting to see the meaning of procrastination. Is it only bad to delay the work without finishing it quickly? 

People who finish their work in a hurry feel calm inside. On the other hand, putting things off goes through the process of stopping and starting over at some point. In the mind of a person who stops and starts over, he or she can’t stop thinking about his or her work. In the process of continuing to think, you may think more and reach a better solution. 

Procrastination is a vice when it comes to productivity, but it is famous for beauty. 

Many great people succeeded in putting off their work. 

Former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln is a master of the Post-Work faction. Lincoln, who had been slow to make important policy decisions, completed the famous Gettysburg Address only on the morning of the speech. The day before, when he went to bed without finishing writing his speech, his aide asked Lincoln, * Wouldn’t you feel refreshed if you finished writing your speech quickly?” 

Lincoln replied, “I’ll think in my sleep.” 

I can see Lincoln’s desire to make such an excellent speech. 

Apple founder Steve Jobs also was a procrastinator. Just search the Internet to see how well Jobs puts off his work. The word procrastinator is the first to appear as a link to Jobs. It’s well known how much effort Jobs put into developing innovative products while delaying work.

Delaying work is never a good habit. However, even if you delay work, it’s more important to improve maturity.
