Third Wave of COVID-19


written by 20801 Kim Gawoon

There are a lot of COVID-19 confirmed cases in the metropolitan area. On August 14th, the number of newly confirmed cases was 103 people, with 85 people infected in the country and 18 foreigners. 

There are growing concerns that a group of people could spread COVID-19 due to the simultaneous outbreak of definitive diagnoses in various places. These places include churches, large shopping districts and schools. The government has decided to take strong quarantine measures following the upper social distancing protocols. 

Prime Minister Jung Sye-kyun responded to this situation by raising social distancing regulations if the situation worsened. 

The past four days saw the number of confirmed cases in the metropolitan area alone exceeding 150 people, and 83% got infected while being in the country. Vulnerable facilities, such as small churches and sanatoriums, had a mass infection. There were confirmed cases in markets, schools and fast-food restaurants closely related to daily lives, raising fears of regional infections.

Prime Minister Jung said, "During the rainy season and the holiday season, keeping a distance from society is not properly maintained here and there. We should all be more vigilant so that the balance between the hard-working quarantine and daily life does not get lost."

Seoul and Gyeonggi Province need to quickly consider measures to prevent quarantine, equivalent to raising the social distance to level two. Local governments and regional governments considered active measures, such as administrative orders, when there was a concentration of confirmed persons in the area to protect the majority. 

On the weekend, a rally to denounce the government by far-right groups was announced at Gwanghwamun Square. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions plans to hold a national workers' convention at the Ankuk Station intersection. The Korea Medical Association also announced a large-scale rally on the 15th following the Yeouido rally on the 14th. 

Prime Minister Jung expressed great concern over large-scale rallies. Regarding the large-scale rally in the center of the city, which was announced over the weekend, Prime Minister Jung urged Seoul to take strict action. He talked about how he was concerned that some organizations are holding the rally despite the Seoul Metropolitan Government's order to prohibit the gathering due to the spread of COVID-19 in the area.

Seoul Metropolitan Government set hardline response to groups that are planning to hold rallies to strengthen quarantine control. The Seoul Metropolitan Government and the National Police Agency were prohibiting the assembly. They said they would deal with illegal activities under the current laws and principles. 

Prime Minister Chung ordered stricter controls, saying, "There are concerns about the spread of infection among students." 
