Small Events Big Smiles

 written by 10318 Oh Su-a

When 2020 began, most of the 15th generation could not wait to enter SAWL in March and meet their classmates. Unfortunately, COVID-19 spread throughout Korea, and no first-year Sawlians could go physically to school until June.

If they did not personally meet physically, most students could only meet each other through Zoom classes. The problem with Zoom was that their faces are in small rectangles. It made the students awkward and uneasy when they first physically all met in June.

Nevertheless, the 15th generation became remarkably close and intimate in a short period. They found happiness in their lives through their classmates.



Most first-grade classes had a project known as “Manito,” which means “secret friend” in Spanish. While doing it, students wrote a letter, gave sweets, or helped their manito, making their bonds stronger. For example, students could handprint their manito and other friends to avoid doubt. The people who have revealed their identity as a manito by friends would get penalties.

Also, there were many other opportunities to build fellowship. The first opportunity is that Sawlians have morning and night independent study with their classmates since they spend a significant amount of time together. The second opportunity is that students who live in the dormitory become closer to others. When people live and sleep together, relationships can be built. This fellowship is not only in the classroom but also in the whole first-grade. The last opportunity to make relationships with others is paradoxical because of the online class. When the online class began, students could not physically meet each other, making them more intimate when they physically came to school.


Cultivating Happiness

When classmates became close and affectionate, there was lots of happiness experienced in the classroom. First of all, talking with friends can create extraordinary happiness in students’ lives since it relieves stress by talking with each other.

The second way Sawlians can find happiness is to hang out with classmates after the exams. After first-grade’s final exams were over, students played games such as zombie games and double motion games. The zombie game is to play tag with the tagger’s eye blindfolded. The double motion game is to play a self-introduction game with motions expressing something like animals, vehicles, etc. Some classes watched movies instead of playing games.

Lastly, there are lots of honorable teachers in SAWL, especially each homeroom teacher. Spending time with the homeroom teacher and classmates is precious and memorable. For example, the homeroom teacher and everyone in their classroom could play games or watch movies. Another way of creating memories was through in-depth discussions with classmates and teachers. It will make the relationship stronger among all members in the classroom. All of these activities make school a happier place.


Classmates can be a way to maximize the fun part of SAWL since we all go through similar experiences. So, try to make good relationships with classmates since we spend a lot of time together. Be sure to be kind to friends and classmates for a wonderful SAWL life!


