Reinvigorate Yourself with Sports

 written by 10316 Shin Jaeyong

Most of the events during the first semester at SAWL were canceled due to the COVID-19 spread. However, this did not stop students from finding ways to enjoy sports.

This past July, there was a basketball game in the SAWL gymnasium. Nine first-grade students and seven teachers played. There were several more players to relieve the squad when they got tired.

The idea of playing a game was first thought to encourage students to fight against the pandemic together. This match gave students who like sports a chance to show their talent and enjoy their hobby.

Manners and safety measures were strictly enforced during the game. Both sides could mutually feel respect and honor. Right before the match ended, some clutch time spirit activated and made the game intense and fun, making the audience go wild.

This was a game of passion. It helped our students to get to know each other more. Students and the teachers also got to know each other better.

Events like this can lighten up the atmosphere. These events give energy to lots of students who are exhausted and tired of the quarantine and self-diagnosis. Students are tired of the “checking-everything” situation.

Like other clubs, the school football team is working hard to stay healthy by continually practicing. Every sports team and clubs are continually wearing their masks and social distancing while practicing at the same time.

It is a very trying time, but there was a football match between SAWL and Seongnam Foreign Language High School. First graders, second graders, and even the third graders of the SAWL football team played. It was very extraordinary for SAWL to win the game with a score of 4-3.

It is not easy to keep our bodies always in good shape, especially in situations like now. However, good examples like these show us that playing sports can be an excellent way to take care of yourself. Your basic body rhythm and immune system can be improved by playing some sports. By playing a sport, you will ultimately maintain your health, whether it is physically or mentally.

So why don’t you go out right now and have a short walk or a sprint? The healthier you are can help you against the virus.
