Go Together with Everyone


written by 20807 Kim Eun Jae


THE PRESS: What was your first impression of SAWL?

Principal Seo Dong Shin: When I saw the school motto, Building Bridges to a Wider World and the school vision The talented people that the world wants, the education that the talented people want. , it was just like I thought. I saw the students’ active, positive, confident appearance. I was especially impressed by the beautiful school, students and teachers.


THE PRESS: What was the most memorable thing in SAWL?

Principal Seo: It was our school’s international exchange program. The international exchange program is a process of learning through experience by visiting a country that uses one of the major languages that is learned in the classroom. Through this program, Sawlians can be global citizens that have broader aspects and minds that can understand the world. I hope that international exchange activities will be carried out again after the end of COVID-19.


THE PRESS: If you could express The Express: SAWL Foreign Language Magazine in one word, what word would you choose?

Principal Seo: It’s amazing.” I can’t believe that students write these articles in English and other languages. Also, I’m proud of our students that have good writing skills and expressions through this activity,

THE PRESS: What do you want to say to Sawlians when you leave this school?

Principal Seo: According to Andre Malraux, “a person longing for any dream for a long time resembles that dream at last.” Like this saying, I want to tell Sawlians that by having a dream, you can clarify what you want, write down your dreams on paper, and act according to your priorities.


THE PRESS: What's the last thing you want to say?

Principal Seo: Even if there are hard things to bear, I wish Sawlians would be the people who can endure those things and do their best. I trust Sawlians will be people who will play an important role in prioritizing us over ourselves.


