Find Your Own Key


written by 20105 Kim Sang Eun


THE PRESS: What was your first impression of SAWL?

Vice Principal Kim Kun: My first impression of SAWL was that it was bright and active. When I came to this school, it was impressive that the students’ greetings were very cheerful. While working at this school, I realized that Sawlians are more voluntary and active compared to students at other schools. Students sometimes show a soft calmness, but they are cheerful and bright. One more impressive thing was that each student has their own clear goals. I think the motivative and voluntary atmosphere of SAWL comes from this.


THE PRESS: What do you expect of Sawlians?

Vice Principal Kim: There are two things I expect of Sawlians who are at the center of SAWL’s education. First, learning is life. Learning is the life of a student. Just as we don't show off what good we’ve done in our daily lives, learning shouldn’t be done like that either. Learning is not flashy like commercial advertising, but a momentary life and practice. Therefore, I would like to advise students to study and practice what they have learned.

Second, learning is an experience. Learning is reserving the power to think and the power to live in the world. In the process, students must realize and feel learning in person and exclaim “Aha”. This “Aha experience” is the driving force behind the maintenance of learning and is the fundamental reason why we can study with excitement.

There is a quote: “Still water runs deep. Study and practice what you have learned. Make it part of your life. It will make you more robust  than anyone else.”


THE PRESS: What do you want to say to Sawlians as the vice principal?

Vice Principal Kim: People often only try to open their own treasure boxes with keys made by others. Then they get frustrated easily. However, this box, which contains one’s own life, does not open with others’ keys, no matter how great the key is. Only one’s own key can open this box, and it doesn’t matter if that key is rusty. I hope each of the Sawlians will have the right key for their own treasure box. Realize your mission and realize what you really want to do. It is necessary to think about what the truth is and to establish your own ideology. This ideology will be the key to opening one’s own treasure box. SAWL will help all Sawlians find their own keys.


