Believe and Love Yourself



                                                                                                     written by 20807 Kim Eun Jae


THE PRESS: What was your first impression of SAWL?

Principal Kang Kil Ja:  When I came to SAWL, I felt the school was mysterious and huge. Also, I thought SAWL was hard to access. Now, I believe that students are free, dynamic and bright.


THE PRESS: What kind of expectations do you have for the students?

Principal Kang: I hope and cheer that all students can develop their dreams or skills. Also, I wish students would pull their weight. So, they can see that their effort is well-done.


THE PRESS: Do you have any plans as principal?

Principal Kang: Now, I’m more focused on the role I can play than on planning. As a principal, I think it’s important to go together. I think our school’s educational goal has an excellent academic perspective and direction. We want to work together while sharing this educational goal. To achieve it, I hope that all of the members of our school can be physically and psychologically healthy.


THE PRESS: Do you have anything to say to the students?

Principal Kang: I want you to believe in yourself and love yourself. Everyone has the academic ability and basic skills, so you’ll feel proud of yourself in the long run. Hopefully, you don’t rush and have a lot of good experiences during your high school days.


“Go to a Round Path” by Poet Park No Hae

 Be daring.

Don’t lose yourself in any case.

Don’t lose your dignity in any case.

