Release Radioactive Water into Ocean

공장 풍경 사진       

written by 20121 Lee Go Eun

Japan decided to release radioactive water into the ocean, even though there were concerns from nearby countries like Korea and China. 

This radioactive water is residual from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster. This disaster was caused by the East Japan earthquake and tsunami in 2011. 

Since then, most of the power plants located in the Fukushima area eventually closed and left a million tons of water used to cool the melted reactors. Japan had collected this radioactive water in their tanks since the incident, however, it is said that now they are lacking space for the provisional storage. 

Also, what Japan is pointing out is that, since power plants are mostly used for only 30 years, the Fukushima Power Plant also has to be ready for their shutdown. Thus, they have to deal with the radioactive water issue as soon as possible. 

However, nearby countries are still concerned even though Japan said that from the water purification, the waters are purified and safe. 

Yet they still have some radioactive elements left. Tritium is one of the examples that Japan couldn’t get rid of from the radioactive water. Even though tritium is deemed harmful to humans only in very large doses, nearby countries and countries like France and the United States of America are questioning the safety. 

Thus, the International Atomic Energy Agency announced its plan to review the dispatch of an international investigation team. Some Korean exports might also be included in this dispatch.
