Music: Another Way to Communicate
written by 10718 Lee Eun Soo

Nowadays, we see many TV shows related to music and dance, such as Street Woman Fighter and America’s Got Talent.
A foreign team from New Zealand showed their popular sport, rugby, in their dance performances. When the dancers were fired up, they said, “Let’s fight with our dance moves, not just our movements.”
We need to know that all musicians try to show and pass across their messages to us. We feel emotions in different ways in music and dance, unlike the speech.
Dancing shows have not been a popular topic. But in Korea, a dancing show called Street Woman Fighter was broadcasted, and it changed the dancing field.A foreign team from New Zealand showed their popular sport, rugby, in their dance performances. When the dancers were fired up, they said, “Let’s fight with our dance moves, not just our movements.”
This was the point where all the viewers felt that these dancers were really passionate about dancing. We could feel it by just watching TV even though we, the viewers and dancers were far apart.
Dancing is known to send valuable and precious messages. Dancing has a unique power expressed with body movements through the rhythms.
Dancing is known to send valuable and precious messages. Dancing has a unique power expressed with body movements through the rhythms.
We already experienced the power of dance through TV programs. Dancers tried to show everything they have. Now, it is your turn to express what you want to say by dancing.
Songs have different styles even in solos, duets and so on. In duets, lyrics usually include dialogues.
Singers communicate with each other and with the audience. You probably have experienced some deep emotions while listening to someone singing.Songs have different styles even in solos, duets and so on. In duets, lyrics usually include dialogues.
For example, in the song “Love Day” by Yang Yo Seob and Jung Eun Ji, there’s some dialogue like, “Will you trust me?” and “I will trust you.”
It is interesting to find these dialogues, and we can directly understand the lyrics full of meaning. Singing is a powerful tool. Singing brings people together.
This is why we use music to communicate. Music reminds us of the past, both good times and bad times we experience in our lives.
Whether you are happy or sad, there are many ways to express and communicate. You can express yourself with music.
This is why we use music to communicate. Music reminds us of the past, both good times and bad times we experience in our lives.
Whether you are happy or sad, there are many ways to express and communicate. You can express yourself with music.
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