Key to Social Stability: Finding Real News

written by 10813 Ryu Ha Jin

In recent years, the discussion about the reliability of news media has heated up.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the amount of fake news in the media had increased. 

For example, a lot of fake news about the COVID-19 vaccine said it has a high mortality rate and can spread the virus. But in reality, it is a safe vaccine approved after rigorous clinical trials.

This highlighted the importance of reliable and accurate public health information and led to more active discussions on what information should be trusted and how to judge the reliability of news.

How Fake News Spreads

Social media platforms are an important medium for the rapid spread of fake news and are used by individuals to easily share and spread news. Social media algorithms spread fake news because they consider preferences to provide users with a variety of content.

Some websites organize and promote fake news or incendiary information. These websites often try to stimulate people’s curiosity and increase the number of clicks with titles disguised as news.

For example, Cameron Harris, introduced in The New York Times, spent just 15 minutes creating fake news and had 6 million people share it, earning $5,000. In a word, people can make money by lying.

Most websites that produce fake news are aimed at earning advertising revenue through a surge in visitors.

With the development of the internet and digital platforms, news can be produced relatively easily. This has increased the production of fake news, making it difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood.

What People Should Consider

The spread of fake news can deepen confusion and social division. 

In addition, fake medical information or threatening news can directly affect a person’s health and safety. Therefore, distinguishing between real and fake news is important for maintaining personal safety and social stability.

Media literacy must be strengthened among media consumers to understand the credibility of news media and prevent the spread of fake news. This means critical thinking and the ability to identify reliable information, which are essential to maintaining personal and social stability.

Why People Should Distinguish Between Real and Fake News

Fake news can directly affect a person’s health and safety.

For example, fake news was spread about the Fukushima nuclear accident. It stated that radioactivity was leaked in large quantities from the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

In fact, radioactivity leaked from the reactor explosion, but governments and international organizations took appropriate measures in response.

In addition, some fake news claimed that the entire Fukushima area was radioactively contaminated and could no longer be inhabited. 

However, in reality, radioactive contamination is limited to the power plant’s facilities, and many areas are habitable.

Pursuing the truth without believing in fake news is a responsibility that each of us have in our society.

How Can People Distinguish Between Real News and Fake News

What we need now is media literacy. This refers to the ability to access various media, critically understand the information and content provided by the media, and to express and communicate one’s thoughts responsibly.

According to the International Library Federation’s fake news discrimination guide, here’s how to simply discriminate against fake news.

First of all, when any information is posted on SNS, it is necessary to check who the information came from.

If the source is not known exactly, you should look at who delivered the information. Check which media company covered it and whether it was written by a reliable reporter. 

Also, you need to see if your opinions influenced your judgment. This is because each person may be looking at the problem with their own preconceived notions.

Fake news often cleverly copies the design of famous media sites. In general, fake news frequently uses inappropriate words or expressions, has spelling errors, contains no date or is manipulated. Lastly, photos are often doctored, so you should look carefully.

Just like wearing a mask and washing hands frequently fights viral infections, critical thinking and media literacy help stop the spread of fake news. Remember media literacy so you can read the world accurately with critical thinking.
