Part 6: Does Social Media Increase Communication

written by 10610 Park So Min

Social media has become an integral part of modern society, transforming the way people interact and share information.

One of the primary ways in which social media enhances communication is by increasing connectivity. People can now easily connect with friends, family and colleagues regardless of geographical distances. This has led to a significant expansion of personal and professional networks. 

For example, platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram facilitate the maintenance and growth of social and professional relationships.

The Internet allows for real-time interaction, breaking down the constraints of space. This not only enhances connectivity with people but also fosters increased communication. 

Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools utilized this real-time interaction feature to ensure uninterrupted classes.

Social media platforms serve as powerful tools for sharing information on a global scale. 

News, trends and important events can quickly spread across the world through platforms like X (formerly Twitter). 

This rapid dissemination of information can foster discussion and raise awareness of critical issues.

Social media undeniably increases communication by facilitating connectivity, enabling real-time interactions and promoting global information sharing.

This is the final part in a six-part series that the Opinion department of the PRESS explore both sides.
