Blowback of COVID: Asian Discrimination

written by 10610 Park So Min,


In my opinion, inclusivity means treating everyone fairly and making people with different backgrounds, traits, abilities and beliefs feel welcome. 

It’s about creating environments, like in society, workplaces and schools, where everyone can join in and communicate freely.

This means setting up places that not only accept but appreciate differences, providing equal opportunities for everyone. By doing this, we can break down harmful ideas about different groups of people and help communities understand each other better. 

Think about a workplace where employees from Asian backgrounds are valued for their unique perspectives, adding to a mix of ideas and creativity.

Inclusivity plays a pivotal role in shaping more harmonious societies. 

As we actively break down barriers, people are not only encouraged to appreciate each other beyond stereotypes linked to where they come from but also to recognize the detrimental impact that these stereotypes have on fostering division and misunderstanding. 

Through inclusivity, we hope for a future where discrimination against Asians and other communities fades away, replaced by a global community that thrives on the strength of its diverse and united people. 

By addressing and dismantling stereotypes, we pave the way for a more empathetic and interconnected world, where individuals are seen for their unique qualities rather than predefined notions based on their origins.

This is the last part in a six-part series that the Opinion department of the PRESS explore the issue in detail.
