Last Words from 2nd Grade

 20103 Kim Geun Yeong

While participating in the publishing of EXPRESS, I felt a great sense of pride, and I would like to express my gratitude to all the members of The PRESS and everyone who contributed to this magazine.

20114 Oh Seo Ah

The PRESS was a great opportunity for growth to expand my horizons and to challenge myself. Thank you to the crew and teachers who worked their best for carrying out the magazine successfully.

20117 Lee Na Rim

As we bid farewell, I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this meaningful and wonderful club, The PRESS. I would like to thank all the team members and teachers for making this year special. And I aspire to see the next International department perpetuate their dreams in The PRESS!

20207 Kim Jun Woo

I could improve my formal writing skills and team spirit thanks to participating in publishing an EXPRESS article as a member of The PRESS. Thank you to the teachers and School Life & Events members.

20214 Lee Si Ah

It was a good opportunity to learn about many international issues. Thanks to The PRESS!

20302 Kim Dan Hee

The process is always difficult, but as I flip through the final EXPRESS magazine, I feel a sense of accomplishment. The PRESS taught me how hard work pays off.

20419 Lim Hyun Seo

I learned a lot by looking up various issues and writing articles. It was a great opportunity to improve my ability. Thank you for providing a great experience!

20215 Lee Shi Hyeon

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this year’s publication of EXPRESS a successful one! It was a pleasure working with you all and I hope we can look back on this experience together fondly in the future.

20618 Lee Seo Ahn

It was a long way, indeed, but we made it! EXPRESS is where my two years of hard work lies, so thank you for being part of these two years.

20714 Lee Won Hee

I never thought I would have the opportunity to write an article in English, but it was a truly meaningful experience. If I have the chance, I will definitely participate again.

20726 Hwang Da In

I’m proud to finish my second EXPRESS magazine production well. I really enjoyed the process of learning how to express my opinion in my own words. Also special thanks to the foreign teachers and my department members.

20811 Park So Yeon

It was a really good opportunity to write in EXPRESS in The PRESS. While writing, I was able to develop a lot of social knowledge and linguistic skills. I think the process of writing an English magazine with The PRESS members and completing one result, EXPRESS, is valuable!!

20826 Hwang Da Wan

The PRESS allowed me to broaden my perspective by looking at various aspects of society. Thanks to The PRESS members and teachers for their hard work for a year.
