
Showing posts from January, 2020

Treaty for Peace? or Treaty for Nuclear Power?

written by 10128 Hwang Uikyu, 10724 Jeong Jaewon,  20424 Choi Sohi, 20605 Min Jeongyeon, 20615 Yun Wonhyeong The nuclear weapon is considered as the most deadly man-made weapon.  Countries around the world have taken many steps to prevent nuclear weapons from being misused and to maintain peace in the world. One of them, it’s the nonproliferation treaty (NPT). NPT is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and to further the goal of achieving nuclear disarmament and general and complete disarmament. Nuclear states, such as the United States, France, China, Russia, and the United Kingdom, are only required to try to reduce their nuclear weapons progressively. Also, some point out the limitations of the nuclear nonproliferation system, led by the NPT and the International Atomic Energy Agency, due to the North's push for a nuclear test.  However, si

How Will You Go to University? Regular Admissions or Early Admissions written by 10128 Hwang Uikyu, 10724 Jeong Jaewon, 20605 Min Jeongyeon, 20615 Yun Wonhyeong

A high school student who was in 3 rd grade demanded the government to reduce the rate of early admissions as more and more people complained about it. About 100,000 people agreed with this petition. But Yoo Eun-hye who is a minister of social affair and a minister of education determined to retain the rate of regular admissions 30% and early admissions 70% and simplify the contents in the student records. In Korea, the entrance into university is divided to early admissions and regular admissions. Early admissions are divided by school record grades, overall school record, and special ability interview or essays. It is common to submit a letter of self-introduction and student record which contains the grade and extracurricular activities. An interview is the last assessment before being admitted into a university. The rate of early admissions is over 70%. The original purpose of overall school record is to confirm the educational period and the preparing process of it. But it

Soar Up! written by 10701 Kim Gaun

    Suwon Academy of World Languages has various kinds of hobby clubs such as Dynamic Flap (dance club), Blue Shields (cheerleading club), The Press (foreign languages magazine club) and so on. VISANG shows a great performance at school festivals.   VISANG is the only band club at SAWL. There are drums, vocals, bass guitar, first guitar, second guitar and keyboard.   Interview with the 13 th VISANG captain, Park Jae-yi, 2 nd Chinese major:   Press: Introduce Visang. Park Jae-yi: We pursue the freedom of music. We have a wide range of musical ability and style, so we can perform various types of music.   Press: What do you think is the biggest attraction? Park: First, our members look very good. I’m not joking, but everyone in VISANG is really pretty and handsome. Second, our club is active. So, the relationship between members is also good and we have harmonious atmosphere. Finally, our club is the last to be on the end of the year school festival stage. It&

Valuable SAWL Places written by 10225 Jun Min-Ah

In Suwon Academy of World Languages, there are various hangouts for Sawlians. Since most students live in the dormitories, SAWL has essential and useful facilities. For instance, we can exercise at the gym or in SAWLA-C. We can play billiards and table tennis in different parts of the school. We can read papers or use computers at the book café (SAWL-GARAM). However, apart from them, we can find some other valuable places. Pavilion This place is located on a small hill behind the main schoolyard. You can find it as you follow the small path up the hill. Located on a high position, you can see the whole view of the school and its surroundings. Also, sunset comes a shimmering sight around the whole school and the city. During Spring, many cherry blossom tries are in full bloom through the path and many Sawlians go there for pictures. Small Park This hidden gem is in front of SAWL’s main staircase. There are a few benches with flowers and plants. Moreover, not only

ERSSU, Exciting! written by 10701 Kim Gaun

    There are a lot of hobby clubs in SAWL, but there is the only one club that plays Korean traditional instruments such as buks ( 북 ), kkwaenggwari ( 꽹가리 ), janggu ( 장구 ), and jing ( 징 ). ERSSU has existed since SAWL was opened. The club usually performs at Sunlight concert and the school festival. When there are special oversea guests visiting the school, ERSSU performs.   Interview with ERSSU captain Bok Kun Woo, 2 nd grade French major:   Press: Introduce the instruments that ERSSU perform with. Bok Kun Woo: We play buks which are traditional barrel drums. There are also people who play kkwaenggwari which are small hand gongs. Some members play the janggu which are hourglass-shaped drums. Finally, we play a large gong which most people know as jing.   Press: What was the most impressive or difficult part during the club activities? Bok: There’s two things that I can remember. Last year we introduced to the students who attend Kaohsiung High School in Taiwan vi

New SAWL in 2019 written by 20603 Kim Seonwoo

Sawl has changed a lot every year, and 2019 is not exception. Some of the changes have made Sawlians more comfortable and while others haven’t. Student Auditor The student auditor system was introduced in the second semester with the 15 th Student Council being established. The members who consist of the organization were the delegates from each class. They were chosen from each class. On average, there is one student of student auditor in a class. Student auditors elected the leader of the grade. In 2019, it doesn’t belong to Student Council because it was established starting during 2 nd semester. In 2020, it will be included as one of the departments in Student Council. Their main role is to supervise the Student Council. The members also receive ideas or complains from their class and talk about them at the meeting that is held every month. The captains from each class also transmit the opinions of classmates, but with the student auditor, it would be much easier for studen

15th Student Council 2020 Pledges written by 10514 Oh Juyeon

SAWL 15 th Student Council members were elected in the 1 st semester of 2019, and all the representatives are 13 th and 14 th Sawlians. There are seven departments in the SAWL Student Council. The representatives of each department publicly promised how they will change SAWL for better with the help from all SAWLIANs. Each of the departments has made promises that are determined to be valid (or after discussion) in 2020.   The Department of Library ( 도서부 ): Сreating SAWLIB Information UCC Until this year, first graders had to read the library usage guide brochure and listen to the librarian explanation. However, many students said that they felt bored and could not understand the guide well. Instead, the brochure will be replaced by a UCC or something else.   Interview Seoyoung Kim, 1 st Grade English Major, Vice President of The Department of Library PRESS : Have first graders actually been bored with the way of explanation? Kim Seoyoung: When the librarian had an o

Check Whether or Not You Really Know SAWL written by 20603 Kim Seonwoo

Many Sawlians stay in SAWL for five days. They usually spend more time in SAWL than in their own homes. They would be the best ones who know most about SAWL.