How Will You Go to University? Regular Admissions or Early Admissions written by 10128 Hwang Uikyu, 10724 Jeong Jaewon, 20605 Min Jeongyeon, 20615 Yun Wonhyeong

A high school student who was in 3rd grade demanded the government to reduce the rate of early admissions as more and more people complained about it. About 100,000 people agreed with this petition.

But Yoo Eun-hye who is a minister of social affair and a minister of education determined to retain the rate of regular admissions 30% and early admissions 70% and simplify the contents in the student records.

In Korea, the entrance into university is divided to early admissions and regular admissions. Early admissions are divided by school record grades, overall school record, and special ability interview or essays. It is common to submit a letter of self-introduction and student record which contains the grade and extracurricular activities. An interview is the last assessment before being admitted into a university. The rate of early admissions is over 70%.

The original purpose of overall school record is to confirm the educational period and the preparing process of it. But it is fading because of unclear judging criteria and student record which loses its purpose through private education. So early admissions has become a hot potato in the educational field.


Pro – Reduce Early Admissions


There have been so much corruption through bribes and relationship in many high schools. It made people think that overall school record to enter a university has a lot of problems.

For example, the twins' extreme grades by corruption in Sookmyung's Women High School.

There is a limitation to prevent corruption, so the public is complaining abolition of overall school record. Even though if there isn't corruption, it is unfair for poor students. Since the richer the student's family is, the easier it is to send him or her to a great academy or to call a tutor.

It could be contained in the program. Teachers tend to give good grades and certificates of merit to particular students. Due to this unfairness or competition, students have become more sensitive when receiving their scores.

To resolve this problem, the Education Office raised the proportion of regular admission. Furthermore, the Education Office decide to abolish autonomous private high schools and foreign language high schools.

Now people who support overall school record and people who don't are still fighting.

Some disagree with overall school record. For a lot of 19-year-old students, the government should pursue not this program, but other programs.

Those who are in favor of reduction early admissions are mostly calling it the golden spoon type. The reason is that students who are well-off have benefited so much from early admissions and it is unfair.

The rationale for those who support the reduction of early admissions is that first, the criteria is not clear and it is not easy to tell the difference. This unclarity to them means that early admissions is not fair.

The purpose of the student body's general admission is to select students based on a comprehensive consideration of their efforts, potential, and academic suitability, which is ideal.

However, students' efforts, potential, and academic fitness are highly subjective items, which are difficult to assess. That's why many people are opposed to the idea of early admissions and have reasonable doubts about whether “the party or the party depends on the level of the high school.” And “This reasonable doubt is often taken as an open fact by many teachers and top-ranked students.”




Con – Maintain Early Admissions

Suneung, also known as the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) is insufficient to be used as the indicator for the assessment of students. CSAT which is finished in one day, second Thursday of November has a high risk.

CSAT just shows the results. It ignores the process of three years. Then it is obvious that students can’t display their capability because of nervousness.

Also, CSAT is chance. CSAT is composed by multiple choice problems, so students can choose the answer without solving the problems.

However, unlike CSAT, early admissions have low risk. It consists of the school record, which contains the grades and activities for three years. So, it is possible to overcome the one mistake in the school exam. Early admissions have various standards of assessment. Students should do performance tests and written exams to get high grades in school. So early admissions are more suited than CSAT to show students capability.

College can select more suitable students for majors and departments. The college can notice which activities that students did, and which job that students hope to be during three years in high school through the student records. Therefore, the college can consider the suitability to the major through these records.

It helps the college to pursue the effectiveness of education, and it provides more opportunity to the college raise the ability of the students. Each major has different traits, and all students have different capabilities. The college will select the students who are suited to the major. It is helpful both for students and the college.

In Korean high schools, most students don’t have the opportunity to think about their future career because only studying hard is considered as their duty. However, early admissions allows students find their aptitude and niche.

In early admissions, what they did for their future dream is one of the most important factors for score. For example, there are spaces to write their future dream and the activities. Students can write what they did for dream such as the aptitude test and the lectures they took.

In reality, many students feel confused about what they will do after graduation since they had not thought about it. Early Admissions can play such a big role to let students plan their future.

Early admissions have more chances for students with various kinds of tests. Students have no choice for anything in regular admissions. It’s the most different feature of early admissions compared to regular admissions.

Students can choose the best one that fits them. If students got high scores on the school exam, they can apply for school record grade and if not, there is another way named overall school record which requires more extracurricular activities, reading or club activities. In addition, students can also choose essay examination and special ability interview or essay so they can enter into the university with not only exam scores, but also what they had prepared.

This problem is of great importance because the admission system determines university admission, and in Korea, universities are considered closely related to students’ whole lives.

Early admissions and regular admissions were designed to complement each other. While regular admissions have the advantage of having everyone take the test fairly under the same conditions, it has serious problems, for example luck plays a big part and everything is decided in a day.

On the other hand, early admissions recognize its three-year process and efforts, but there are problems that the gap between rich and poor can be reflected on and that it is vulnerable to corruption. It is important for the Education Ministry to make a lot of effort to solve the problems of the two admission tests, and above all, it is important to establish a system that is fair and student-friendly.
