Soar Up! written by 10701 Kim Gaun



Suwon Academy of World Languages has various kinds of hobby clubs such as Dynamic Flap (dance club), Blue Shields (cheerleading club), The Press (foreign languages magazine club) and so on. VISANG shows a great performance at school festivals.


VISANG is the only band club at SAWL. There are drums, vocals, bass guitar, first guitar, second guitar and keyboard.


Interview with the 13th VISANG captain, Park Jae-yi, 2nd Chinese major:


Press: Introduce Visang.

Park Jae-yi: We pursue the freedom of music. We have a wide range of musical ability and style, so we can perform various types of music.


Press: What do you think is the biggest attraction?

Park: First, our members look very good. I’m not joking, but everyone in VISANG is really pretty and handsome. Second, our club is active. So, the relationship between members is also good and we have harmonious atmosphere. Finally, our club is the last to be on the end of the year school festival stage. It's wonderful to be at the end of the biggest festival in school and I feel the greatest attraction to VISANG when I hear the cheers of Sawlians.


Press: What was the most impressive or difficult part of your band career?

Park: All the club activities were good, but especially end of the school year festival was the most memorable. I'm very nervous before I go on stage because our club is the last. But when I hear the cheers of students and see the light sticks from the stage, I’m more excited and enjoy the stage better.


Press: What are some tips for students who want to apply?

Park: The most important thing is an understanding of VISANG. Sometimes there are students who do not understand such as how many instruments there are and apply for VISANG. In the case of keyboard, we prefer students who play symphonies rather than students who play the genre we usually present in the concert. Also, we prefer passionate students and give some points to students who are willing to learn. Even if they can't play an instrument, if they have passion and will to learn, their ability to play the instrument grows. Therefore, we prefer passionate students.
