Communication for a Wider World

 written by 20114 Oh Seo Ah

People communicate with each other every single day, and communication has been a fundamental part of human life. It’s remarkable how quickly information, both trivial and profound, can travel across our interconnected world.

Right now, the universality of communication is more apparent than ever.

Verbal communication is equally essential to our daily lives. Conversations with family and friends provide emotional support and strengthen bonds. In the workplace, effective verbal communication is vital for teamwork and productivity. From persuasive speeches to heartfelt conversations, the spoken word has the power to connect with people.

Non-verbal communication means conveying information without using words. Non-verbal cues, including facial expressions, body language and tone of voice, play a crucial role in conveying emotions. They often communicate feelings more vividly than words alone. For instance, a warm smile can instantly express friendliness, while a furrowed brow may indicate concern or confusion.

The written word also plays an essential role in our lives. Utilizing text messages, emails, reports and handwritten notes enables our ability to express ourselves. It enables us to convey complex ideas, record important information and create lasting records of our thoughts and experiences. You might have the experience of exchanging notes with your Manito or your mentee/mentor to deliver your sincerity. This has the power to form a connection by demonstrating care and willingness to take the time to write to him/her.

The topic of communication is all-round, and it is related to every part of our lives. Communication undoubtedly lets us build bridges for a wider world since being able to interact effectively with others has unparalleled utility.
