World Press Freedom Day

written by 10105 Kim So Yeon

On the 20th of December 1993, the United Nations created World Press Freedom Day, held on May 3rd. It was to remind countries that press independence is being threatened by governments. Many journalists are also being threatened for reporting real, factual news.

Surprisingly, in many countries, journalists continue to be restricted and are in danger for doing their job.

For example, in Mexico, in 2022, two journalists were killed per week, with 47 reporters murdered over the three years prior. Mexico became the most dangerous country for journalists due to a combination of government censorship and restrictions as well as drug cartels. Because of this, Mexicans can’t access clear information and can’t express opinions critical of their government.

Since the breakout of the Russo-Ukrainian War, Russia has been one of the most restrictive countries for journalists. The Russian government continues to repress critical press. They have done this through imprisonment and forced relocation. Because of this, the Russian people only receive war updates from the national media or pro-government social media accounts.

The UN Secretary General’s message for this year’s World Press Freedom Day anniversary aired on May 2nd.

In this message, he said:

This day highlights a basic truth: all our freedom depends on press freedom.
On this and every World Press Freedom Day, the world must speak with one voice.
Stop the threats and attacks.
Stop detaining and imprisoning journalists for doing their jobs.
Stop the lies and disinformation.
Stop targeting truth and truth-tellers.

As journalists stand up for truth, the world stands with them.

It is truly a fact that our freedom begins with freedom of the press. We should remember the purpose of world press freedom. To protect the people who safeguard our freedom through their stories.
