Exhibition Only With Refinement? - written by 10601 Kim Seonwoo

Exhibition Only With Refinement?
written by 10601 Kim Seonwoo

There are people who feel comfortable when they go to the museum and look at the masterpieces of great artists. But, there are also people who feel uncomfortable about going to look at art with lots of people around. There is a new kind of exhibition that is famous for making the people who feel uncomfortable for people who can enjoy art exhibitions or allow them to have a good time.

In Korea, this exhibition is called Exhibition for Photo. It has become popular. Exhibition for Photo is an exhibition that allows people to take photos of its artworks and enjoy it as opposed to some other exhibitions where a work of art was central do not allow people to take photos with the artwork.

Exhibition for Photo is also called sensibility exhibition. Thats because that kind of exhibition has the display of a few words that comfort people, instead of just looking at the works of art.

After the success of Exhibition for Photo, more of these novel exhibitions have appeared. Hi, Ice Cream, received attention and was very popular on SNS for a while. Sugar Planet became popular when Hi, Ice Cream finished.

People like that kind of exhibition.

Some of the exhibition Korean phrases can comfort people. People sometimes get energy from reading them.

Its a nice place to go on a date. Many couples visit there because the exhibition can make their time more enjoyable. Its because they can enjoy their time with taking pictures of each other or together. Women especially tend to like that kind of exhibitions more than men, because they can get their photos taken. However, reviews from couples usually say that not only women but also men can enjoy it.

It is a suitable name since people can enjoy taking pictures with these colorful backgrounds. For example, Hi, Ice Cream has nice background settings, decorations, and props. There are background settings that are mint or sky blue. There are pretty props such as trees. Thats why the exhibition was good for people who want to take pictures to upload them on their SNS.

However, there are also some negative reviews that say it was hard to enjoy because it was too crowded. There are also some reviews saying, I will go to another exhibition for the same price.

While these kinds of exhibitions are popular, some people are critical of them. They argue that it is unreasonable to call it an exhibition because it considers taking pictures as being more important than looking at the works of art there.

Other people contradict that opinion by saying, we have to accept not only the previous works of art like painting and sculptures but also this kind of work too.

More people can enjoy that kind of art exhibition.

Although it had been hard for some people to enjoy art exhibitions, now the people will be able to enjoy it. Like other exhibitions, there is also a time limit for each. So, if you want to take nice pictures of yourself, consider going to Exhibition for Photo. Not only will you take photos but also you will also have a great time there.

Title: I finally went to the exhibition
Date: 10.05.2018

At the end of my summer vacation, I found a novel exhibition. But I didn't have time to go there, so I couldn't go there before my starting new semester. However, I finally went there after my finishing exams today.

I was so excited on the way going there. But I was surprised because there were so many people at the entrance even though it was a Friday, not the weekend. There were especially many students, like me.

The name of the exhibition I went to was Sugar Planet. I bought tickets and put my bag into the locker before entering. After all, finished, I entered.

The following pictures are my favorite. I especially loved the blue balloon rooms, I could change the color of the light by blowing a straw. Also, the cloud props changing colors were also interesting.

I could enjoy it fully because I went there after finishing exams.

Just like the reviews said, there were so many people at the exhibition. So it was a little difficult for me to take photos whenever I want to. But I am still glad I went.

If I have another chance, I want to go to Sugar Planet again. It was a great time.
