Rising Sun Controversy - written by 10219 Jung Kyumin

Rising Sun Controversy

written by 10219 Jung Kyumin

The Rising Sun Flag was a flag that Japan used when they invaded Asian countries during World War II. In other words, it is similar to Hakenkreuz (Swastika) which is now banned from being used since it was the symbol used in World War II by Germany.

Unlike Germany, Japan allowed the symbol to be used for commercial purposes. Therefore many companies, including famous clothing companies, use this symbol as a design on their products.
For instance, Adidas sold the products with the rising sun mark which caused controversy in the fashion industry. It is the design that adds the shape of the light around the red sun of the Japanese flag. Also there was a controversy about the sale of T-shirts, which included a red sun flag of Japan, by the American footwear and clothing manufacturer Rakai.

However the next controversy was not only about Rising Sun being a commercial design but also being the national naval mark.

The raised military banners on naval vessels is an obligation under international law. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea forces vessels to raise their flags to identify their nationality while they navigate. Therefore at events where naval vessels are gathered, it is customary to raise flags. Therefore armies around the world have separate military flags from their national flag. The Rising Sun is the symbol of Japan's Self-Defense Forces. This symbol has been used since the Japanese Army was established in the Meiji Restoration period.

According to the 2018 Korea International Naval Review which is held from October 10th to 14th on Jeju, “One Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ship will attend and this ship will use the Rising Sun Flag as its own military banner.”

2018 Korea International Naval Review also stated, “Using Rising Sun flag cannot be banned according to the international rule and also Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force ship have attended the 1998 and 2008 International Naval Review in Korea with the Rising Sun Flag according to the law.”
Since the Sun Rising mark is known as the mark of Japan’s imperialism a lot of Korean people are desperately opposed to this situation by protesting and creating a national petition to request that Japanese naval vessel not come.

Because of those petitions and Korean’s negative view of the mark, the Korean navy asked Japan not to use the mark for this review. However the Japanese government stated that if they could not use the flag, they will not participate in the festival.

The Korean government then tried to persuade Japan through various ways like announcing that all the countries that participate in the naval review should only use their national flag. However Japan refused. Since the Korean government said if Japan uses their naval flag Korea will participate in the review with a naval vessel called Dokdo. Therefore this year Japan decided not to participate.

In a regular press conference on October 4th, Kawano Katsutoshi, the head of the Japanese Self-Defense Force, said, "We are proud of the Self-Defense Forces. We are not going to the national naval review. "
