Pathfinders of Dreams in SAWL - written by 20111 Song Chaewon

Pathfinders of Dreams in SAWL

written by 20111 Song Chaewon

Around the second semester in 2017, a lot of students who were wanting to create their own clubs visited the Creative Personality Department and handed in documents that contained their motivation, activity plan, and so on. They went through a thorough examination and finally in 2018, two brand new clubs were introduced in SAWL, since a lot of the content was similar to that of the established clubs.

The first new club is Dramaturg. Dramaturg is a management club whose main activities are reading plays and researching culture and art. Dramaturg refers to a person who investigates some problems regarding interpretation and understanding about play works and playwright and provides advice for directors to make decisions based on enough information of the script. Like this, Dramaturg is a club which aims to discover the literary and commercial value by analyzing and understanding the play works. With it, the club members approach plays by analyzing the marketing of art management from various points of views.

Interview with Eunbee Jo, 1st grade Russian major:

The Press (Press): Why did you choose this club?
Eunbee Jo: I had a dream of becoming a theater director because of the drama club that I belonged to in middle school. So I wanted to continue the activity as a theater director in high school. Since Dramaturg, whose activities are reading and analyzing plays, is a club that could help achieve my dream, I applied.

Press: What do you think the attraction of reading plays is?
Jo: It’s very fun and easy to understand the play works unlike just saying the words in my head! Also, I feel like I become an actress when I read them out loud!

Press: What achievements have you made?
Jo: I got to look at the play from the actor’s point of view and not from the director’s. Also, I widened my breadth of knowledge about not only play but also marketing, dramas and movies.

Press: What are some memorable moments you have had within your club?
Jo: Definitely when I went to watch the play Shear Madness with club members during summer vacation. It was really fun to watch the play since I only read the script prior to that.

Press: What’s next for the club?
Jo: We are preparing a public play reading of “낭만.” We are dramatizing four plays which are five to ten minutes long and planning for small directions such as stage lighting and sound effects. We are also preparing some posters and several pieces of marketing, so please look forward to it.

The second club is DoDream. DoDream is a club which makes beautiful rhythm through collaborating and uniting while learning NANTA. DoDream has two meanings; the first one is to beat drums and the second one is to have a dream and express it. DoDream considers it very important to make a club atmosphere where the club members respect and help one another since cooperation is an essential value regarding NANTA. Also, anyone who wants to learn NANTA is welcomed by the club members even if applicants do not know how to play it, which is a very attractive point to new Sawlians. 

Interview with Seiyoung Park, 2nd grade Chinese major:

Press: Why did you create this club?
Seiyoung Park: When I was a 1st grader, while watching the performances of other clubs, I got to think that I want to practice with friends and give beautiful performances. So I recruited friends who had a similar mind.

Press: DoDream has not performed, yet. When is your debut?
Park: We are considering the end of the year festival.

Press: What are some memorable moments you have had within your club?
Park: A memorable moment is when the club members play the part that we practiced individually with perfect timing. There are a few moments when the complex beats are played accurately and that’s when we feel a sense of accomplishment.

Press: Take us through your practice regimen.
Park: Regarding practice, we had various problems but the most demanding part was finding a room. We explored almost every place in SAWL for a week and were allowed to use a room on the eighth floor. However, we kept struggling because it was a narrow and small place. It also had improper ventilation. Only one month ago were we allowed to practice in manners room which is next to the room where Escape is. Now we could prepare for our performances.

Press: What are some difficulties?
Park: I think it’s that there is no fixed frame since DoDream is a new club. Performance clubs should be fixed in terms of when, what and how to practice. However, because we have to make that frame on our own, it is a little bit tough that we must keep giving feedbacks and trying new things even though it is fun.

Like this, the new clubs are trying their best to achieve their goals. School clubs do exist
for students’ dreams and interest. So as more and more students try to make a new one,

new Sawlians could broaden their breadth of choice and get closer to their goals. No matter how difficult it is for Sawlians to come up with activities with high-quality enough to be approved as a new club in SAWL, it is ensured that students can learn from that experience. So it would be very helpful for students if they give it a try.
