The Press Around The World - written by 10422 Choi Sohi, 10603 Min Jungyeoun, 10812 Park Cherin, and 20114 Youn Jiwon

The Press Around The World 

written by 10422 Choi Sohi, 10603 Min Jungyeoun,
10812 Park Cherin, and 20114 Youn Jiwon

Eyes and ears; they allow human to see and hear the things around them. With our two eyes, we can see things critically and directly. With our two ears, we can hear things personally and quickly.

This is exactly what the press is like. Just like eyes and ears, the press lets people know what is happening, even on the opposite side of the globe.

The press is the main means of the mass media that deliver information to the public. The term "press" in Korean law refers to periodicals such as broadcasting, newspapers, magazines, news communication, and online news sites (Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on Press Arbitration and Damage Relief).

In an increasingly advanced society, individuals are becoming more and more busy living their own lives, making it difficult to know or understand about issues of society. In addition, even though we are living in a democratic society, it is virtually impossible for the citizens to monitor and check the government and companies individually and regularly due to the limitations of time and space.

To this day, the role of the press, delivering information and bringing people to a critical perspective, has grown bigger. As the importance of the press grows, depending on the social and political environment of the particular country, the form of the press varies. So, what different forms of the press do exist in different countries around the world? And how did it reflect the country’s society and environments?


Even though the formation of the press differs around the world, we cannot evaluate or prioritize a 
single form of the press since the press is a reflection of the society. Additionally there is no absolute standard to judge whether it is good or bad. But still there are self-evaluations made by the public. As the eyes and ears of the public, the media should try to provide information that people ought to know objectively and accurately.

Around the world, there are still some journalists that don’t keep their responsibilities and doesn’t 
fulfill their duty. The press is progressing as the society and the public develops and more and more 
people fight against and win the ideal form of the press that they dream.

Freedom of the Press and the Rights of Some in France

Lots of people think France is the nation of the freedom. How about the press in France?

The fundamental law guaranteeing the freedom of the press is La loi du 29 juillet 1881 sur la 
liberté de la presse. Because of this law, the French government can’t infringe on the freedom of 
the press. If someone is damaged because of the press, the person directly involved initiates a 
lawsuit to the court. The nation can never interfere with the press according to the law.

It helps to maintain the freedom of the press to the variety of the local newspapers in France.

The newspapers in France are various like French food. There are ten metropolitan daily
 newspapers in France like Korea. But French newspapers are more likely regional than Korea.

Actually, people tend to read local newspapers more than the metropolitan newspaper. The 77 
local newspapers in French are never inferior to the major newspapers.

There is the symbol of freedom, a satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo in France. It doesn’t care who is the target of the satire because of the freedom of the press. Also, it doesn’t put the advertisement to eliminate external pressure. But it was so honesty in criticism of Islam that Muslims 
were enraged by it. Charlie Hebdo ran a satirical cartoon about Islam in 2006. Muslims filed a 
lawsuit against the cartoons for the reason that the depicts the prophet of the Muhammad are 
prohibited. But it was dismissed. Above this, because of several cartoons, Islam extremist 
terrorists broke in Charlie Hebdo office in Paris on January 7th, 2015. Ten officers and two 
policemen died in the shooting.

After this terror, the argument between “Je suis Charlie (I’m Charlie)” which meant the freedom
of the expression, and “Je ne suis pas Charlie (I’m not Charlie)” which meant the insult of the 
religion couldn’t be permitted was intense.


The freedom of the press must be permitted. But excessive freedom can damage the rights of 
others like Charlie Hebdo. However, I think the freedom of the press should always be allowed. 
The invaded rights should be solved after the report because the importance of the press is in the 
expression. But the process of compensating the damages should be helped by the government to 
protect the press from the risk. Also, I think that the public should think about the news and accept it critically. Then we can make the more honest press and informed society.

The Nature of Russian Media

Written by 10422 Sohi Choi

Among the various forms of the press, Russia is a country where government control of the media is still in place.

During the Soviet Union era, the first TV broadcast test was made in 1931. During Stalinist 
regime, the importance of media was marginalized, but it grew dramatically after a reform policy 
in 1980.

On the other hand, the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, made the first Russian media law 
using the Russian constitution law based on the Declaration of Human Rights. President Yeltsin 
called himself a guardian for the freedom of the press. In fact, while giving a speech in the 
International Press Institute on May 25th, 1998, Yeltsin pointed out that media-owned business 
owners became large threat to freedom of Press and should be improved. This has its significance 
that it was the first to guarantee the freedom.

After President Vladimir Putin took power in 2000, the press was under the government’s control again when he changed laws. For example, when the submarine Kursk sank, he began 
nationalizing the media, trying to stop the news from spreading by controlling signal transmission centers. He regulated the gatekeepers and used policies to control the media. In fact, 48 journalists were killed from 1997 to 2008.

Currently, the major broadcasters are Channel 1, Russia 1, Russia 2 and Rossiya-k. These 
broadcasting stations are government-run. They are controlled by various pretexts.


It sounds different from Korea, but the control of the media happened during the Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan administrations. Seeing the relationships between politics and business
 related to the 2014 Sewol Ferry Disaster, we can know that media control even happened in 
recent years.

What would, is the true role of the media?

Is it to prevent terrorism? Is to develop the economy? Is for social purification? Can these be the 
valid reasons for the regulation of the press? The name is nothing but a nominal. The press control 
blocks the eyes and ears of the public and makes true progress impossible. The Russian 
Federation and the Korean Constitution stipulate freedom of the press and the prohibition of 
censorship. We must do our best to prevent the media from turning into a political tool and to
prevent biased thinking. It will bring out the infinite potential of Russia.

Chinese Media, Under Extreme Government Control

The Chinese media was influenced by reform and openness as part of society, promoting it as part of the party and national order. Reporters want to get out of the government control and enjoy
more autonomy, but the party and the state still want the media to remain their faithful 
spokesperson. That is why the Chinese government has so many restrictions on the media that it is famous for strongly controlling the media.

The Chinese government has conducted journalist qualification tests for 500,000 Chinese 
journalists since 2003. It is supposed to raise the standard of journalists, but it was actually a 
thinking test. The test also measures the understanding of the Communist Party's ideas, newspaper and publishing regulations, and new laws and policies in media. The test shows that even 
reporters' thoughts and opinions are controlled. If a journalist fails the test, the government is 
required to give the journalist an opportunity to retake the test within three to five years and if the journalist fails again, he/she loses their job.

The press is defined as the activity of revealing facts through media or forming public opinion 
about a matter. As defined, the media is not propaganda based on the orders of any political party or nation. In fact, the state, the government, and the media are not closely related. The government is relatively at the top of the media. However, if the media reports the news and promotes policies only as directed by one party or nation, it is not only contradictory to the definition of the media 
but also at risk of violating the public's right to know. What's different from fake news? I think
that if the news reported to people like this, the value of the news would drop and eventually there would be no consumption anymore. Therefore, China believes that it should set accurate standards for the future and conduct press censorship and reporting.
