What Is Your MBTI?

 written by 10803 Kim Eunjae


After the COVID-19 outbreak, people began looking for activities to spend time at home like making dalgona coffee, online learning and playing “Animal Crossing.” Most people became fascinated with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test (MBTI).


MBTI is a self-reporting personality type test designed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Briggs based on Jung’s psychological typology. It is easy to execute, so many institutions like school, military, and workplaces use it.



The first section is about energy. If someone likes to play with other people, that person is an E. E is motivated by extroversion. On the contrary, if someone prefers to be by themselves, that person should be I. I is simulated by introversion.

The second category looks at recognition. Sense of S refers to people who value realistic things and focus on the present. The intuition of N relates to people who have a good imagination and like figurative expressions.

The third category is the judgment function. T (thinking) means that it is essential to think objectively and to have principles. F (feeling) means that people look at events based on relationships and situations.

The final category is lifestyle. J (judging) is defined as people that would like to make a quick and rational decision. J people have a tendency to act systematically. P (perceiving) is defined as people that deal with the situation even if there is a plan. Type P people are interested in adventure and new things.


To sum up, E and I, S and N, T and F, J and P are opposites for each standard. Based on these opposites, MBTI can divide personality types into 16 categories: ISTJ, ISFJ, INFJ, INTJ, ISTP, ISFP, INFP, INTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENFP, ENTP, ESTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, ENTJ.



MBTI has become a huge trend. Many people responded that their MBTI results corresponded with them. Also, as more and more video clips of these reactions, more and more people can know about MBTI.


It is also a new and straightforward advantage of MBTI that people can say in the MBTI personality type without difficulty explaining their personality type. Instead of just an MBTI test, the information generated about which personality types fit well or not.


