Best Combination in Dasarang

written by 10122 Jung Minji


Dasarang is the only place where students can buy snacks in SAWL. They buy snacks or drinks through each of the vending machines since there is a variety. Most of them purchase them together, but that choice can be unsatisfactory because of the combination. Here are some candidates for the best selection for flavor, health and price.


Spicy Saewookkang and Olatte


Spicy Saewookkang is one of the best spicy snacks in the Dasarang. If someone bought only this, it is clear that he or she does not know how spicy it is or is good at eating spicy snacks.

To neutralize its spiciness, buy an Olatte. Olatte is a mixture of juice and milk, which helps people to endure the spiciness. Olatte comes in: original, apple and peach flavor. Choose a flavor of Olatte according to your preference.


Sawlian’s comments for this combination

 10421 Lee Eunseo:  “It will be good because both of them are delicious.”

10306 Kim Seohyeon: I think it tastes better with pink Olatte.” 


Pepero and Pocari Sweat


Pepero and Pocari Sweat have health advantages. It could be an excellent choice to eat both and reap the benefits. Studies show that chocolate has various effects on the brain. Chocolate contains lots of chemicals, including caffeine and phenethylamine. Caffeine in chocolate improves concentration. Just like drinking coffee when you are sleepy, eating chocolate works in the same situation. Besides, phenethylamine makes you happy. However, if Sawlians eat too much chocolate, they can get cavities. Therefore, eat this in moderation.

Pocari Sweat is particularly useful for hydrating. It may be better to drink Pocari Sweat than to drink lots of water. Since students must bring water in their tumblers due to the coronavirus’s danger, they feel uncomfortable getting water from water fountains that are on other floors in the school. It is also hard to go out for water when Sawlians study at school, especially during study hall. In this situation, Pocari Sweat can be another choice for hydration.


Sawlian’s comments for this combination


10601 Kwon Hyorin:  “I think it is pretty good.” 

10514 Sin Yujeong: “Pocarisweat will make me refreshed.”


Seasoned Spicy Chicken Ppusyeoppusyeo and Cocopalm


Ppusyeoppusyeo has many flavors, but Seasoned Spicy Chicken is the most fantastic version. If you want to eat this off-campus, you need at least 1,500 won. However, in the Dasarang, this snack is only 1,000 won. Students can taste it for a tenth of the price. Naturally, it would be a good substitute while Sawlians are in Sawl, where they cannot order chicken.

When you decide to buy Ppusyeoppusyeo, buy Cocopalm with it. Like the Spicy Saewookkang and Olatte combination, Cocopalm can help to neutralize the spiciness because it contains milk, too.


Sawlian’s comments for this combination

 10709 Kim Jaeseo “My favorite. It’s delicious if we eat together.” 

10223 Im TaehuiIt is the best combination.”


Sawlian’s Best Combination of Dasarang  

Spicy Saewookkang and Peach Green Tea


Most Sawlians in the survey answered that they like Spicy Saewookkang. Many drinks were listed, but Peach Green Tea was the most popular among them. When the salty taste of Spicy Saewookkang and the sweet taste of Peach Green Tea meet, people say, “It is sweet and salty.” This combination is very addictive and popular. However, this combination can irritate your stomach. So it would be best if you did not eat too much of it.


