Watch Sports Games Safely

 written by 10420 Lee Seungho


Many people like sports. Sawlians have watched sports even though they like different sports, teams, and players. This year is not a good time for sports fans.

The number of COVID-19 confirmed cases was increasing rapidly recently. Social distancing policies in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do were then upgraded to the second level. Sports games with spectators in the stands are banned.

There are many restrictions on watching sports games directly this year because sports stadiums attract large crowds, increasing the chances of infection. The best thing is to cheer for your favorite team or player at home instead of going to the stadium.

Still if enthusiastic fans who must watch it in the stadium, then they need to follow some precautions in order not to get sick. These precautions cannot be said to guarantee their safety, but they will greatly reduce the chances of infection.


Six Tips 

1. Book Online

When you go to the stadium and buy a ticket, you will be contact with many people. This naturally increases the rate of COVID-19 infection. So if possible, go online for ticket sales. Another advantage of this is that you do not have to wait in line.

2. Wearing a mask

In fact, this is true not only in sports stadiums but also in all other venues. The fact that wearing a mask significantly lowers the rate of COVID-19 infection is a well-proven medical fact. Especially, it has a great effect in crowded places. So let's be careful not to forget to wear masks!

3. No Loud Cheering

One of the biggest reasons for watching the game in the stadium is that you can cheer for your favorite team or player. This cheering method also includes making loud noises.

But this is not right in the epidemic situation. Wide-open mouth and spatter increase infection.

Why don't we find another creative way to cheer instead of making a loud noises? For example, playing a tambourine is a good way.


4. No Eating Food

If you eat food at the stadium, your spit may splash and increase the infection rate. This increase is due to the close contact between people required during the food production process. Also, food products can have viruses.

If there is something you want to eat, it is better to eat before or after the game.


5. Do Not Sit Next to People

Do not sit next to the people in the stadium. Instead sit like you would in our school cafeteria in a zigzag. This seating arrangement helps keep some physical distance with people around you in crowded stadiums.                             

6. Avoid Physical Contact

When you cheer passionately for an important sports event, you may hold hands or hug the person next to you who supports the team. But these actions are not appropriate these days.

There are already some stadiums that make it mandatory for the audience to follow them. Even if the stadiums where you have visited have not, you'd better practice them.

But the best thing is not to go out.

We, Sawlians, Koreans and people around the word are having hard time. But we have to follow the regulations for everyone fighting against COVID-19.

