People Are Angry

written by 10713 An Gahyun


Many things have been changed and limited because of COVID-19. Since the outbreak occurred, many things became restricted. They were unable to do what they did naturally and generally in the past. After the extended regulations, many complaints and anger built up in people’s minds.


Confined at Home

COVID-19 penetrated lives by keeping people apart due to the spread of infection. Everyone had to remain safely in their own houses.

Therefore, people cannot do activities where many people can gather, such as visiting tourist attractions and club activities. If one person is infected and goes to those places, the virus can spread rapidly to others. We have to do social distancing in order to prevent the spread. Therefore, we cannot go to crowded places and travel. As a result, tourist attractions and resorts have become taboo in the social distancing world. 

The expression “going out to play with others” became a cautious and dangerous phrase. People conducted social distancing to prevent many people from catching infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are carried through air or saliva; thus, people should minimize contact between people.

Significant events such as festivals and the 2020 Olympics were postponed to 2021.

No overseas trips were allowed. Because crossing the country in this situation is too dangerous. The pandemic begins in one country and then spreads to another space if one person was a carrier for the virus. That is why traveling abroad can make the whole world infected since people travel on crowded airplanes.

No matter how much prevention is taken within one country, the entire country can become infected with someone traveling from another country. That is why people are banned from traveling abroad.

People could not go anywhere, even if vacations came or events like birthdays came. It was hard to go to the sea even if the golden vacation came. It is a desperate and angry situation for those who have been looking forward to their vacations.


Wearing Masks 

When COVID-19 started, wearing masks became important. Masks are essential in preventing infections and spreading viruses; however, the whole world suffered from a lack of masks in production and on the shelves.

People went to markets and pharmacies to get masks, but most places did not have them available. As COVID-19 became more severe, wearing a mask became mandatory. People must wear a mask when they go out.

Office workers and students have to wear masks almost all day long. However, wearing a mask makes people feel uncomfortable. It makes breathing harder and makes people’s heads dizzy. The situation of having to keep wearing masks is making everyone tired and frustrated.


Pursuing Own Satisfaction

Some people pursued only their own satisfaction rather than the public interest. While COVID-19 is happening, social distancing is essential for everyone and self-isolation for those suspected of infection. 

Nevertheless, some people do not follow the guidelines or regulations. Some people do things that are not appropriate in the current situation, such as going on a trip or not wearing a mask when walking around outside.

Those suspected of infection should self-quarantine, but some people leave their homes because they feel stir-crazy. It is immoral, but they only care about their feelings and put many people in danger.

People who got to know about these situations through Internet postings, televised news, and newspaper articles were outraged and criticized them. When so many people were suffering, those who only thought of their interests were selfish.


Most people are angry at the fact that this epidemic occurred. The pandemic has driven people into bland and bitter routines. Still, everyone tries to stick to the rules during this time and be patient. The pandemic will be an easy match to overcome if everyone follows the rules and thinks of others.
