World Trip After the Pandemic - China

written by 20607 Bae Seokyeung, 10226 Choi Siyoung,
10410 Bae Jimin, 10526 Joo Minseo, 10713 An Gahyun

Sawlians learn Chinese, French, Russian, English and Japanese as their major language for three years. 

When they are in 2nd grade, they go to a country that uses their major language and directly learn the culture. They use the major language that they have been learning and make new memories. 

Every second-grade Sawlian was looking forward to packing for the trip and going to the international airport to start their trip in early 2020. However, it was canceled this year due to COVID-19. 

Instead of being disappointed by the current situation, you can plan your own itinerary for traveling after the pandemic is over. Here are some places that are recommendable for each major in this five part series. Lets start with China. 

In China there are many places, but we will recommend three for the time being. 


1. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

It may be an unfamiliar place, but it is a vibrant tourist place. It is a place where God would live since it is immensely spread out. The park is spectacular with its unique sandstone terrain and about 3,000 mountain peaks. Its unusual structure of the mountain, wonderful fog and clouds makes people want to visit there. Hallelujah Mountain, a mountain floating in the air from the movie Avatar is located there.


2. Shaanxi History Museum

It is good to visit the country’s landmarks. However, it would be perfect for visiting places where we can vividly feel Chinese history because only reading books is different from seeing it. At Shanxi History Museum, you can see China’s long history. It is filled with 360,000 artifacts from prehistoric times to today. You can also see the terracotta army there. There are so many things that can make us feel the history of China. People who think, “I am interested in China’s history” or “I want to learn more about China” should visit there.

3. Xi'An 

Xi’An is a great area to vividly experience Chinese history with the whole body instead of only reading about it. It is also famous for Qin Shihuang’s terracotta army.

