Hoping Memories Come Back

written by 20514 Oh Juyeon


SAWL has many events to help Sawlians relieve stress and feel happiness in school life. Many first-semester events had difficulties in taking place due to the social distancing measures in place. However, there is hope that some of those events will take place next year.


Blooming Snapshot


                                                     ▲ Left: 2019,            Right: 2020

This event is not on the school calendar; however, taking pictures under the cherry blossom trees became an annual spring event. On the way to campus, the landscape is full of cherry blossom trees along the road in front of Suwon Museum.

This year, you might have taken photos with friends or alone when receiving textbooks for online classes in April.

Sawlians usually take pictures with classmates, students in the same major, best friends, mentors, mentees, and club members, wearing uniforms. Especially for 1st graders, this photo-taking moment is a symbolic custom, defining they have become Sawlians and making valuable memories with beautiful backgrounds.

Anyone Busking (누구나 버스킹)

Anyone Busking usually takes place in April, sometimes in May, like the one three years ago. In advance, the student council auditions and informs Sawlians of the busking date and time. Last year, three busking teams performed on the flagstaff stage, with audio equipment supported by SWBC.

Sawlians can freely enjoy the performance sitting on the stairs between male and female dormitories, in the classroom, or from the SAWL Bridge. Students can be in a delightful mood listening to the songs such as “180 Degree” performed by talented Sawlians.


SUNLIGHT (썬라이트) & DBCON (디비콘)

Performance clubs have opportunities to participate in different school events. SUNLIGHT and DBCON are the events for those clubs to shine during their 1st semester. Both events take place in the gym before the first self-study period starts.


                                                                                                              ©SAWL IRIS Official Facebook Page  

SUNLIGHT is for the four clubs called IEVIER.  I is for IRIS, which a vocal group. E is for  ESCAPE, the hip-hop club. VI is for VISANG which a group known for it rock music. ER is for ERSSU, samulnori club. There Sawlians can enjoy the collaborated stage with different clubs, which makes synergy of the stage quality.


                                                                                    ©SAWL Dynamic Flap Official Facebook 

DBCON is for Dynamic Flap for choreography and Blue Shields for cheerleading. It also has performances on Sports Day and performs various routines on stage for two days.

For Sawlians, 2020 might have been such a challenging year for not enjoying their life well due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, as we have experienced in our lives, everything has a finishing moment. If things get better, SAWL will be more active and delightful with various events as it had been before the pandemic. There will be days that Sawlians may feel small but valuable happiness in school life.
