
Showing posts from January, 2022

What is Gapsinjeonbyon?

written by 20420 Lee Seungho   Since the late Joseon period, the society of the Joseon dynasty has had an influx of Western culture through the Qing Dynasty.  Some middle-class intellectuals and Westerners have made a move to break the old framework of the feudal system and move into modern society, such as demanding rights for themselves. The lower classes have begun to claim that they are human beings. In addition to political and social changes, there was a heightened threat of aggression from the Western and American capitalist powers, who were out-of-force and demanding normalcy.  Among these, voices were heard from all over the country that they should not simply lock the door. The ministry and the intelligentsia demanded an alternative to the Korean government. On December 4, 1884, Kim Ok-kyun, Park Young-hyo, Seo Jae-pil, Seo Gwang-beom, and Hong Young-sik, the Kaew-hwa Party, tried to drive out the Su-gu-dang, the center of the Cheok people who depended on the Qi...


written by 10722 郑道永,10726 洪世恩, 20126 崔始永,20305 金珉棌      在中国,土地辽阔、人口众多,所以不同地区有各自代表性的食物,被称为八大菜系,这次主要介绍其中的四种。各地区的饮食既反映了当地的历史,也能体现地区的地理特征,各自都有独特的味道,让我们一起享受一下中国菜吧!    从中国大陆整体来看, 四川省位于中国大陆中南部,以辣味闻名。因为四川又湿又热, 所以流着汗吃辣非常有名, 代表食物是在韩国有名的麻辣烫和麻婆豆腐。四川饮食中使用多种香辛料制作出辣味, 因此有喜欢的人也有不喜欢的人。麻辣烫是最近在韩国最有名的中国料理, 希望您能尝尝。    江苏省的饮食又甜又咸,所以很多韩国人喜欢他们的菜。最有名的菜是 ” 扬州干丝 ” 。扬州干丝最能体现花样料理特别细腻的刀法。它与山东菜、四川菜、广东菜等同为中国四大菜之一。江苏省还有许多美丽的旅游景点。    山东是中国东边的城市。 山东菜清香、清爽、口味浓。因为离大海很近,所以有很多鱼和贝类的料理。山东菜最有名的是糖醋鲤鱼和木须肉。糖醋鲤鱼是山东的传统名菜。它不仅肥嫩鲜美, 而且金鳞赤尾, 形态可爱,是宴会上的佳肴。木须肉是一道常见的传统名菜, 用猪肉片和鸡蛋、 木耳等混炒而成, 因炒鸡蛋色黄而碎,类似木犀而得名。    湘菜是湖南菜,是中国八大菜之一。湘菜的特点是辣、酸、燥、香。 其中酸辣味最浓,最有名。烹饪方法多采用煨、炖、 腊、蒸、炒等方法。最有名的菜是小炒肉,小炒肉是用辣椒炒的猪肉片。小炒肉的独特味道和湘菜的辣味完美结合,深受喜欢辣味的人喜爱。  

La France: pays du luxe

  écrit par  10616 Lee Na Yoon,  20321 Yim Tae Hee  &  20323 Jang Hye Soo     Les marques de luxe sont une des choses qui représentent la France. Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermès... Beaucoup de marques connues viennent de France. En effet, selon le quotidien français La Croix, les ventes des marques de luxe françaises représentent jusqu ’ à un quart de l ’ ensemble des ventes du marché mondial du luxe. Il n ’ est pas exagéré de dire que la France est le pays du luxe.   Début de la culture du luxe avec Louis XIV Pour se pencher brièvement sur l ’ histoire, c ’ est Louis XIV, le roi Soleil, qui a jeté les bases de la culture du luxe à la française. Il é tait convaincu que l ’ image de la France devait être la plus colorée et la plus luxueuse possible. En effet, il portait une couronne de diamants colorés et, lors du mariage de son fils, le duc de Bourgogne, il éclair a le château de Versailles avec 4 000 bougies, créant une extrême...

水原外国語高校で行われた 日本語スピーチフェスティバルの現場の中へ

20121イ・ゴウン  水原 外 国語 高校 では 9 月 13 日に日本語スピ ー チフェスティバルが開催されました。   このフェスティバルは、 毎 年水原外 国 語高校で 定期 的に開かれる行事で、日本に 対 する興味を高め、生徒たちが自分の考えを体系的に論理的に整理し、 発 表力と日本語の活用能力の向上を目標としています。それで 生徒 たち は 日本を題材にしたさまざまな主題を選定して、日本語で約3分の 発 表をします。今年の日本語スピ ー チフェスティバルの本選進出者は計8人で、15期日本語科6人と英語科2人が多 様 なテ ー マでスピ ー チを見せてくれました。 残 念ながらコロナの余波で大 会 は 学 校で開催されるのではなく、生徒一人一人が家で 発 表映像を撮って提出する形に 変 わりましたが、家でも生徒たちの情熱は冷めなかったそうです。   ザ·プレスでは、 「建前は本音を 隠 すこと?」という タイトルで大 会 に 参 加した15期英語科のチェ·ジュンソン さん に インタビュ ー しました。チェ·ジュンソン さん の 発 表タイトルからも分かるように、日本にだけ存在する 独 特な疎通文化である 建前 と本音をテ ー マに 発 表をしたそうです。   これを 発 表テ ー マに決めた理由は1年生 の 時のフェスティバルに似たテ ー マで 参 加した 経験 を生かし、高校2年生の今自分は 建前 と本音をどのように使っているのかに ついての経験 を友達に共有したかったからだと言いま した 。さらに、今回の大 会 を準備するにあたって最も焦点を 当 てたのは 発 表方式だそうです。どうすれば文化に 対 する紹介と自分の 経験 を適切に交ぜて、人 々 が共感する 発 表ができるのかたくさん 悩 んだそうです。最後にインタビュ ー を 行い ながら言いたいことはこれから校 内 に日本語大 会 がたくさんできて日本語に興味を感じている 生徒 たちが 楽 しむ機 会 が多くなったら良いということです。   これ以外にも「日本のガマン」、「韓国と日本、もっと明るい未来に向かって」などのテーマで発表を行った友達もいました。大会では、「 武士の勇気、信念、そして武士の道 」というテーマで発表した友達が...

Города России

20107 Ким Джи Ан & 20324 Чжон Мин Жи Москва Москва — столица России. Многие города в России меняли свое название, например, Ленинград стал Санкт-Петербургом. Но Москва никогда не меняла своего названия. В Москве есть такие известные места, как Красная площадь, Большой театр и Кремль. Также Москва известна балетом. В Москве есть Большой театр. В этом театре много балерин. Санкт-Петербург Санкт-Петербург — один из важных городов России. Этот город был столицей с 1712 года по 1918 год. Санкт-Петербург славится своей культурой. В этом городе есть такие знаменитые места, как Эрмитаж, Спас на Крови, Петергоф и Исаакиевский собор. В Петербурге проходит фестиваль "Белые Ночи". В городе проходят фестивали с фейерверками на Неве, и многие люди хотят посетить эти фестивали. Сочи Сочи — знаменитый город, в котором в 2014 году проходили 12-е зимние Олимпийские игры. Еще одна отличительная особенность города – это то, что он является вторым по длине городом в мире. В Сочи относитель...

Forgotten Diseases

  written by 20526 Joo Min Seo   Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are serious problems in places such as Africa, Asia and South America. It is a disease that occurs mainly among low-income people in developing countries. There are diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS that are commonly known. However, in developing countries, people suffer from many other diseases besides these three. Approximately more than a billion people suffer from neglected diseases. But unfortunately, most people worldwide do not know about diseases like Buruli ulcer, Chagas disease, Dracunculiasis, Leishmaniasis and Onchocerciasis. NTDs spread through pathogens living in unsanitary conditions like unfiltered and contaminated water that coexist with chronic poverty. Most developing countries have always been poor, so there have always been neglected diseases. NTDs do not exist in developing countries with hygienic environments. So most people live without even knowing that neglected diseases...

No Makeup Is Embarrassing?

written by 10203 Kim Dana April 8, MLB, which is a Korean clothing brand, uploaded a written apology about their mistake. MLB was swept in a controversy about gender discrimination. MLB uploaded pictures of women on Instagram who are spending their daily life with MLB caps. So you could see women spending their daily life with an MLB cap. The purpose of this was to promote their brand and clothing but contrary to their intention, their brand’s image turned bad.  They uploaded posts on Instagram with people who wore their cap and captions like “Pretty good afternoon to go to the laundry shop, it’s a bit embarrassing without makeup on, isn’t it? Put your cap on lower, have your day longer.”  Another post contained “Don’t let your guard down although it is evening! Protect your non-makeup face!”  Netizens are showing reactions that if someone is a woman, they always have to wear makeup. They anger about that MLB’s post’s phrase which can be interpreted that when women go out...

China Suppressing Hong Kong Press

  written by 10722 Jung Do Young   T he t ension between Hong Kong and China is escalating due to Hong Kong’s demand for democratization. This conflict is also becoming a big international problem. Recently, the issue of press suppression has become serious. This is because Hong Kong ’ s media has written articles against China.   The Founding of Apple Daily The founder of Apple Daily was born in Guangzhou and lived a poor life. When he entered Hong Kong, he was only 12 years old, so he didn’t have any money. But he worked hard at a wig factory. He earned money and successfully invested in stocks, and eventually became a sweater producer for Comitex at the age of 27 and created a company named Giordano. Then Lai entered the anti-China road. He used his own money to create his first media company, Next Digital . Next Digital was created for people to see the truth that is not told on TV. This company became very popular among the people who opposed China by ...

Media and the Cold War

written by 10306 Kim Tae Yeon   The Cold War of the Past   A cold war is a power struggle between nations without the use of weapons. In May 1945, the World War II alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union ended. The U.S. tried to stop Soviet influence from growing further in Europe. Therefore, to prevent the expansion of communist influence, the U.S. government announced a diplomatic ideology known as the Truman Doctrine. It aimed to maintain freedom and independence while providing military and economic aid to countries whose governments refused to be controlled by minorities. In response, the Soviet Union formed Cominform, which is an organization of the International Communist Movement. The Communist camp also formed the Communist Economic Conference. It was an organization that nine socialist countries, including the Soviet Union, Poland and Romania, joined to achieve the planned development of the national economy. The organizations planned the pr...

World’s Media Control

  w ritten by 20811 An Ga Hyun   Have you ever thought your life could be under control like The Truman Show ? It’s probably hard to imagine if what you saw and heard was actually censored and distorted through something. Society calls this state-controlled media. But unfortunately, the world still has media control that oppresses freedom of expression in different countries like North Korea or China. For example, when a reporter writes an article pertaining to a government, that government could erase the article after it’s uploaded. Some press companies are being censored, modified and deleted in advance at the national level. Perhaps, people will be the first to think about it when they hear the press control. To reduce critical public opinions on a particular issue, networks may focus on other events or issues. For example, when a bad political or economic issue occurs, media talk less about the content and talk more about entertainment and education issues so...

Differences in the Global Use of Digital Technology

                                                          written by 20126 Choi Si Young   Many people believe that access to the Internet should be a basic human right. They think that everyone should have equal access to the information and opportunities from Internet-connected devices. Unfortunately, the distribution of this access is uneven. Some people have no computing devices, while others have high-speed Internet on their personal computers.  What Is the Divide?   The global digital divide is what indicates global digital inequality between developed and developing countries. This divide is about the access of computers and information resources such as the Internet and opportunities derived from such access.    It occurs because of the gap between countries in technology skills and the fast de...

COVID-19 and the Global Chip Shortage

 written by 10223 Choi Jae Hyuk   The COVID-19 pandemic has been pestering the world for quite some time now, and its effects are still seemingly unwavering. This is only worsened by the pandemic’s inconvenient side effects, which began to materialize shortly after its beginning.   With every government calling for improved hygiene, shortages of personal protective equipment and medical facilities were expected as the number of patients grew exponentially worldwide. However, scarcities caused by misled panic buyers, such as toilet paper shortages, were rather unexpected and received a lot of media attention.    Now another unanticipated shortage threatens our livelihoods, this time a lot more serious. The global chip shortage is expected to continue producing electronic devices, small or big, very difficult for the foreseeable future.   How Things Went Down    The chip shortage has many causes, but most notably, it began after ...