Special Friendship in SAWL

]written by 20324 Jung Min Ji


All Sawlians would have experienced a mentor-mentee system. The mentor-mentee system, a tradition of SAWL, helps 1st graders adapt to school. Mentees usually ask mentors for tips on studying or consult about difficulties in school life.

However, it is not possible for students to choose their partner. At the beginning of a new school year, as new 1st graders enter the school, their mentors are matched through various methods: random draw, song selection, etc.

 Although most mentors and mentees become close friends, there are also cases in which they contact only each other one time. Then disconnect later since partner selection is 100% random.

It was difficult for mentors and mentees in 2020 and 2021 to physically meet each other. The days when the 1st and 2nd graders had to physically go to school were different from each other due to the social distancing regulations. They had no choice but to meet by texting or calling if the other person was in school.

Anyway, the relationship between them has changed since October 18th, when it became possible for all grades to go to school together. Mentors and mentees were able to meet at school, which helped them to build deeper relationships. 

Here is an interview with a mentor and mentee who have become each other’s closest friend despite situational difficulties.

THE PRESS: How did you interact with your mentee during the online period?

20205 Kim Seo Yeon (mentor): From the first day, we got close by talking about things we like through KakaoTalk. We kept in touch often. When 1st graders’ exams were over, my mentee called me. Since then, even though we didnt even know each other’s faces, we continued to contact each other by texting and calling.

We mainly talked about exams or just how we’ve been doing. After it became possible to physically meet in school, my mentee often came to my classroom. I think this is why we can get closer faster than other mentors and mentees.

Another reason is that both of us are sociable and like to talk. Also, even when we couldnt physically meet, we put snacks or notes in each others lockers as a surprise every week from the beginning. It always made me look forward to going to school.


THE PRESS: What do you want to do with your mentee from now on?

Kim: Actually, we already did various things such as eating together, taking pictures, visiting each other’s classrooms and playing. However, I still have a lot of things to do with my mentee. Among them, the thing I want to do the most is to wear a school uniform and go to an amusement park together. Because I want to be remembered for a long time as a mentor and best friend by my mentee, I hope to continually create happy memories with her.


THE PRESS: What is the most impressive thing that you received from your mentor?

10209 Park Sol (mentee): Before we started going to school together, we usually exchanged notes with little stories about each other’s school life. I was so happy that my mentor always comforted me and gave me advice about my worries written in the notes. Also, since we exchanged these notes during the 2nd night study period, I was able to end every Sunday with good feelings.


THE PRESS: When you become a mentor next year, what do you want to do for the first time to your mentee?

Park: Next year, I want to be a mentor like Seo Yeon, who can truly care for a mentee. So when I become a mentor, first I will have time to get to know each other. After that, I wish to get closer by eating dinner or taking a walk together. I want to help my mentee feel relaxed and happy. Also, I will tell everything to my mentee such as tips for school life. In addition, I want to give my mentee a small gift, too.

