Electronic Device Usage of Sawlians


written by 20324 Jung Min Ji


SAWL Schedule

Since each school has its own schedule, students need to remember it appropriately. However, the schedule of SAWL has unique points compared to other schools.

The biggest difference is that SAWL’s schedule starts at 6:30 a.m. and ends at 11:20 p.m. By contrast, the schedule for regular high schools generally starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. Additionally, unlike other regular high schools in Gyeonggi-do, night self-studying is still obligatory in SAWL.

Sawlians have four self-studying sessions other than regular classes. Sawlians usually call them morning self-studying, 8th period, 1st night period and 2nd night period. Although students have to study in the classroom or the study hall, they can study elsewhere using the SAWLDOS system.

SAWLDOS is a unique system of SAWL which has been implemented since August 7th, 2017. There are many things to apply through SAWLDOS: remaining at school, recuperation, using electronic devices, doing club activities, etc.


Electronic Device Usage

Cell phones and laptops are necessary in SAWL. Students use them to search for data or write documents.

16th generation Russian major Jang Yu Min

“I use electronic devices for making presentations, submitting tasks, listening to Internet lectures and searching information for performance tests.”


16th generation French major Sim Bo Min

“My primary use of electronic devices is preparing for performance tests. Also, it involves making presentations and gathering information such as a thesis or an article.”


15th generation English major Choi Yun Kyung

“I often use electronic devices at SAWL. Tablets and laptops are mainly used when I watch Internet lectures, take notes during classes, and prepare for school assignments. My cellphone is used to contact friends or teachers and to simply search on the Internet.”


15th generation Chinese major Je Jung Won

“The purpose of using electronic devices is largely divided into two categories: writing and watching Internet lectures. In the case of writing, I use a tablet to take notes on a downloaded PDF. In the case of  watching Internet lectures, many students use them because they can supplement what they need.”


The Availability Time

Recently, using electronic devices has become easier due to the installation of Wi-Fi.

Students are able to use electronic devices during morning self-studying and 8th period with the approval of teachers via SAWLDOS.

On the other hand, Sawlians who want to use electronic devices are free to use them without any approval during break time. Similarly, students can use electronic devices during mealtime using their extra time after eating. If more time is needed, students may wake up earlier than 6:30 a.m. to use electronic devices.

The time when students cannot use their electronic devices is fixed. No one can use their electronic devices during both night study periods. Furthermore, using electronic devices can be restricted if students fail to make a request for approval on time. Since approval closing time depends on the teacher, students have to know when exactly. Additionally, it is also important to write and submit accurately where to use electronic devices.


What You Need?

When students use their electronic devices at SAWL, there are a few things they need to prepare like earphones, chargers and cell phones. Since students can’t get into the dormitory again after breakfast, it is essential to check whether or not they have these before leaving the dormitory in the morning.

First of all, earphones or wireless earbuds are essentials. Not making loud noises when using electronic devices is an implied promise not to distract other students who study at the same place. This is a reason why students should watch a video with their earphones.

The next necessary thing is a charger. Keeping the battery of electronic devices from reaching 0% is important. However, due to the limited amount of available outlets, it is recommended to charge electronic devices in advance. Otherwise, students can be in trouble due to their dead electronic devices when they have to use them during school hours.

When students dont bring their charger or there is no available outlet, portable chargers or PowerBank are essential. It has the advantage of being small enough to carry around and not having to be connected to an outlet while using. Anyway, these should be charged in advance before use.

In addition, cell phones are a necessity depending on the situation. The hotspot function of cell phones is a way to use the internet when Wi-Fi is not available or the signal is weak. Even though now free Wi-Fi systems are installed in each classroom, hotspots can be a solution if students want a faster Internet speed.






