Differences in the Global Use of Digital Technology




written by 20126 Choi Si Young


Many people believe that access to the Internet should be a basic human right. They think that everyone should have equal access to the information and opportunities from Internet-connected devices. Unfortunately, the distribution of this access is uneven. Some people have no computing devices, while others have high-speed Internet on their personal computers. 

What Is the Divide?


The global digital divide is what indicates global digital inequality between developed and developing countries. This divide is about the access of computers and information resources such as the Internet and opportunities derived from such access. 


It occurs because of the gap between countries in technology skills and the fast development of technology. 


According to Statista, “The Internet still widely varies among continents: In 2020, 94.6% of North Americans had Internet access, compared to 39.3% of Africans.”


Parts of the world where the global digital divide is serious have almost no access to digital technology. However, this gap is shown in the developed level of technology and the usage rate in most places. 



How Does It Affect People?


COVID-19 has limited the physical meeting between people for a while. So those with digital access to technology started contacting others through social media. They are receiving the news through the Internet as well. However, those who lack Internet access or technology will have difficulties in communication or, worse, become isolated.


Another impact is the barriers to education. As schools shut down and most of their education started happening online, those who had trouble accessing the Internet started giving up on learning. It results in losing the opportunities to learn, developing their skills and finishing their education. As a result, the rate of education gap between students all over the world started to increase. 


It has also been affecting gender discrimination due to the difference in digital use. Women are the ones who are getting discriminated against. More than 50% of them are offline, and they currently have 20% less access to the Internet than men. Radios and digital devices are only owned by men, with women and girls not being allowed to use the social media platforms showing discrimination. The digital divide limits many women’s chances to apply for jobs, get educated and build experiences.



What’s Being Done?


Many organizations are helping to solve these problems. 


The non-profit organization EveryoneOn connects low-income families to the Internet in an affordable way. Along with the Internet service, they provide computers as well as digital skill training. In addition, they focus on setting up the Internet and teaching how to use digital devices.


Another organization helping is Notebooks for Students. This organization helps students who can’t afford to buy a laptop for education. All kinds of technician-certified laptops are sold at a discounted price with a free four-year warranty. 


The organization Plan International is also helping to bridge the digital divide. It focuses on digital training programs for girls and women. Plan International teaches digital literacy and technical skills so that girls and women can make the most of the digital tools.


In the current situation, bridging the digital divide is crucial. It is also the most effective solution for lessening the amount of negative effects. Of course, eliminating the cause of the problem is the best way, but in other ways, helping to deal with the actual outcomes can also be effective. Helping isolated people, supporting kids with education, and standing up for discriminated people are some of the possible solutions.

