Never a Warm Country For Blacks

written by 10417 Lee Min Jeong

The death of George Floyd in 2020 after being choked by a white police officer’s knee became a major international issue. Passers-by who witnessed the incident recorded the scene with a smartphone and left a video. The video spread quickly over the Internet and was exposed to broadcasting several times. The incident occurred when Floyd was arrested on suspicion of using counterfeit money. Floyd, the suspect, said he was handcuffed after the resistance, although police asked him to get out of his car. But it was a different statement from CCTV and the police who used force were dismissed.

The most recent incident took place in Minnesota, the U.S., where police pinned down on the ground with the police knee on his neck and was choked to death. Police’s military repression killed a young black man whose name is George Floyd. The video of this incident spread, prompting violent protests around the world condemning police's excessive suppression of blacks.

This happened again this year.  According to CNN and other foreign media, a 20-year-old Daunte Wright got out of his car in Minnesota on the afternoon of April 11th, he was shot in the chest after resisting arrest and getting back in the car. He pulled over his car at the instruction of the police.

Police at the Brooklyn Center explained in a briefing on April 14th  that it was an accidental mistake by the police officer whose name is Kim Potter. When a black man suddenly gets into the car resisting arrest, the police will fire an electric shock from a taser. She fired a gun while shouting, “Taser! Taser! Taser!” 

Afterwards, the officer said, "Oh, I shot you," which was confirmed by her body cam. 

Daunte’s father said his son was on his way to wash his car. 

Protesters staged a protest on the night of the 11th after news broke that another black man had died due to excessive police suppression. Protestors showed signs of violence. The police responded with tear gas, and the two  sides confronted each other late at night. 

What About the President?

President Joe Biden said he prayed for the bereaved families of the victims. 

“A tragic incident has happened and we have to wait and see the results of the investigation. But once again, what I want to clarify is that riots and violence cannot be justified, he said, calling for restraint from the protesters. 

The death of an unarmed black man in May of last year and the death of both unarmed black men this time due to excessive police suppression have raised anger not only in the black community but around the world.

Protect Black People’s Human Rights

We can campaign for human rights to protect black people's human rights. For example, we can start simple campaigns such as hashtag campaigns to protect human rights. It is important not to be silent on racism, but to speak out together. 

Silence is the scariest thing. A passive silence can lead to neglect of the problem. 

Last year, the demilitarized black death raised significance on the issue of racism, triggering a campaign called “Black Lives are Precious.” During this campaign, not only black people but also famous people participated in the campaign by posting a hashtag Black Lives are Precious on social media. Many people actively participated in it, making it an issue worldwide.

Leading the human rights movement to form a society that does not accept racism itself can be an opportunity to protect the human rights and dignity of blacks.
