Asian Lives Matter

written by 10726 Hong Se Eun 

What Caused It? 

Ever since the pandemic, the hatred towards Asians became more distinctive and dominant in society and on social media. The reason for this is because COVID-19 first generated in China, which is a country located in East Asia. 

The problem is, the physical features of Asians are pretty much the same. White people only see black hair, black eyes, and eye shape, but they can’t figure out that not all Asians are the same.  Therefore, the sorrow of discriminations derived from COVID-19 combined with the numerous accumulated crimes and racism towards Asians in the past. 

According to the U.S. police statistics, the overall hate crimes in 2020 in 16 states have decreased by 7 percent compared to 2019. However, the hate crime targeted to Asians increased over 150% percent. 

What Are Some Incidents?

The cases of racism crimes in western countries are rapidly increasing for the past year.

In Sydney, Australia, footage of two Caucasian women swearing and spitting on Vietnamese faces was caught on a security camera. 

In Atlanta, Georgia,  U.S., eight people got shot and died, and six of them were Asians. 

Made an Impact on Society

The Asians dwelling in western countries started to protest “Stop Asian Hate”. 

“Stop Asian Hate” is spreading through social media. Some religious organizations are participating in the protest.
